Vox Writer Reveals Left’s J.D. Vance Attack Plan

Failed assassination attempt be damned. The left is still heavily intent on propagating the Trump-is-a-dictator rhetoric.

This from frontpagemag.com.

And this insane extremist talk has been expanded by far-left “journalist” Zack Beauchamp in his lengthy Hit Piece in Vox, in which he branded Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance as a “threat to democracy.”


Trucks are parked outside of the Republican National Convention emblazoned with the phrase “DICTATOR ON DAY ONE,” just in case anyone thought Old Joe Biden and his henchmen were really going to ratchet down the hysteria.

Beauchamp is a typical leftist propagandist, always faithfully parroting the party line, cheerfully going after foes of the establishment, and never once having an independent thought.

He is, however, even less intelligent than the average leftist. The guy might be up to the intellectual challenge of collecting welfare checks and pulling the lever for [communists/globalists], but anything beyond that is gonna be tough.

For the record, Zack Beauchamp is the nut who back in 2014 forced Vox to issue a most ludicrous correction concerning plans to build a bridge connecting Gaza and the West Bank. Anything to help those who call themselves Palestinians feel a little more welcome, right Zack?

And Zack’s idiocy continued. In 2021, he pointed out that a surge in antisemitism in the United States coincided with a “recent flare-up in fighting between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas,” which was actually a useful observation, since in some cases, the perpetrators “waved Palestinian flags or shouted pro-Palestinian slogans.”

Beauchamp—ever the radical Leftist—proceeded to blame Donald Trump for this rise in antisemitism:

[T]he anti-Semitic attacks are part of the generalized surge in American anti-Semitism since 2016, which most experts link to the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right movement.

Recently, Zack Beauchamp described JD Vance as “friendly, thoughtful, and smart—much smarter than the average politician I’ve interviewed.” But coming from Zack Beauchamp this must not be considered to be a worthy compliment. Particularly, since Beauchamp continued to say:

Vance’s worldview is fundamentally incompatible with the basic principles of American democracy.

What Zack mean’s by ‘democracy’ is Leftist “hegemony and dominance of the American public square.”

[And if J.D.] Vance threatens that,

Trump has made a good choice.

Further, Zack Beauchamp wants We the People to know just how bad J.D. Vance really is.

Zack wrote:

– Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results,

– He has fundraised for January 6 rioters,

– He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump, and

– After last week’s assassination attempt on Trump, he attempted to whitewash his radicalism by blaming the shooting on Democrats’ rhetoric about democracy without an iota of evidence.

The above claims are Zack Beauchamp recycling his attack on the nation-wide continuing efforts to be granted a thorough investigation of the abundant evidence that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election.


– Trump never wanted Mike Pence to ‘overturn’ the election results, rather to withhold certification of the results until the fraud claims were fully investigated (which most never were; most of them that went to court were dismissed on other grounds). Pence clearly could have done this, as the Left in Congress later passed a law limiting the vice president’s power in order to ensure it could not be done in the future,

– As for fundraising for ‘January 6 rioters,’ numerous Jan. 6 defendants, meanwhile, have languished in prison, in inhuman conditions, for years now without trial. Do they not deserve justice? Apparently, Zack Beauchamp doesn’t think they do,

– As for the request for the criminal investigation of the columnist, it’s no surprise that Vance’s argument went way over Beauchamp’s airy head; it was an exercise in using the left’s ‘insurrection’ hysteria against the left, and

– Beauchamp also hates Vance for blaming a leftist’s attempt to murder Trump on the left’s overheated and hysterical rhetoric about the Republican candidate. Vance, you see, is just trying to “whitewash his radicalism.” What about all the leftists who have for years now been calling openly for Trump to be killed? Has Zack even noticed?

So, if Zack Beauchamp is to be taken seriously, J.D. Vance is just as dangerous as Donald Trump to the men-are-women and Biden-is-a-great-president crowd.

Final thoughts: The danger to our Constitutional Republic is the persistence of fools like Zack Beauchamp who erroneously believe their democracy trumps our Constitutional Republicanism. (Pun intended.)