Challenging Her Constitutional In-Eligibility—Kamala Got Away with It As #2, But She Should Be Prevented from Running for President

President Trump will have the legal standing to challenge Kamala’s in-eligibility in federal courts if she is nominated for president by the DNC.

This from

And Trump should do so to force SCOTUS to take up the issue of the “natural born Citizen” term as it applies to whom can constitutionally serve as the President and Commander in Chief (and VP per the 12th Amendment) and resolve it.

The courts evaded the issue using “lack of standing by the plaintiffs” for Obama and then also for Harris for VP. They should not do that again. Former Chief Justice Marshall‘s words from the past tell them they should not evade the issue.

To Kamala Harris:

Fool the voting electorate once, shame on you. Fool the voting electorate twice, shame on us. She owes allegiance since birth to the English monarch—formerly Queen Elizabeth and now King Charles!

Click below for more details.

Kamala Harris Owes Homage and Allegiance to the King of Jamaica – King Charles III


Kamala Harris is NOT a “natural born Citizen of the United States” per Natural Law and the Founders and Framers original intent, understanding, and purpose of the “natural born Citizen” term in the U.S. Constitution!

See the two articles below for more details as to what the Founders and Framers intended for future Presidents and Commanders in Chief and why Kamala Harris is NOT constitutionally eligible for the office she seeks nor the one she holds now:

— and —

J.D. Vance should start asking the press in his interview with them as to why they as the press are not asking Kamala Harris about her dual-nationality, dual-Citizenship, and dual-allegiances since birth and continuing to the present day.

Or President Trump—during any debate with her—should ask her why she is still a Citizen of Jamaica and owing homage and allegiance to the English Crown. Then watch her cackle.