Blue State School Boss Slammed with Investigation for What Students Were Being Taught in Class

Blue states have come under scrutiny in recent years.

Parents are waking up to the fact that government-run schools might not share their values.

This from

Protests and demonstrations have led to reform… mostly in red states. But Leftist-run parts of the country continue to undermine parents’ rights and push far-left craziness onto students.

But in this one case, a school fell off the deep end!

Parents have complained that school boards and officials are allowing teachers to discuss off-topic issues. In some cases, schools are bringing in outside figures to speak to students, and these “outside figures” are not always qualified or appropriate to talk to children.

Drag queens who are brought in to read to kindergartens is an extreme that many are working to have stopped. But in a high school in Pennsylvania one strange “outside figure” showed up to discuss something that only parents should be discussing with their children.

From Daily Wire:

Pennsylvania launched an investigation into a school district superintendent after he allowed a ‘genderqueer witch’ to discuss sexual topics with students without parental consent, according to a letter obtained by The Daily Wire.

On Friday, the Pennsylvania Department of Education said that it was looking into Unionville-Chadds Ford School District Superintendent John Sanville over allegations that he hid information from parents seeking answers after a ‘genderqueer witch’ known as Deni Tobin spoke last year to high school freshmen.

Tobin talked to students about dating violence and administered a survey on their sexual history, including asking them whether they had ever pressured anyone into sexual activity. Parents also believe that Tobin distributed resources from Planned Parenthood at the meeting.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has launched an investigation into John Sanville, Superintendent of Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. This superintendent apparently allowed a self-described “genderqueer witch” to talk to high school freshmen about sex. The speaker, Deni Tobin, discussed dating violence and distributed surveys on students’ sexual histories without parental consent.

Students get in trouble for praying out loud—yet a “genderqueer witch” is allowed to ask kids about their sexual history? As is to be expected, parents are outraged. The investigation aims to determine if Sanville violated any laws or policies in allowing the presentation to proceed without proper oversight.

This story comes as parents and some leaders fight against indoctrination in public schools. We are learning that Leftist-run school districts are opening their doors to all kinds of weird people and ideas. In many places, teachers are encouraged to convince children they are transgender. In some states, they are pushing to give children life-altering medications and treatments, without parents’ consent.

This is just part of the left’s larger view that the government has children’s best interests in mind. Parents? They just get in the way of creating a loyal Marxist population, who will blindly follow socialists like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. All the while, politicians sell America to the highest global bidder.

But parents are not taking this lying down. Red states have passed laws banning attempts by schools to brainwash children. And many states are aggressively taking the cash out of corrupt teachers’ unions pockets through school choice. Parents are fighting back by sending their children to much better places of learning, using tax dollars provided by school choice programs.

And as is to be expected, teachers are fighting school choice tooth and nail.

Final thoughts: One day in the not-too-distant future, perhaps directly following the queer Kenyan’s complete public disgrace, may these sexual abnormalities and abhorrent behaviors be put back in some dark hole where they belong.