The D.C. Jihad Shocked Even the Left

The gameplan for the Netanyahu speech was simple. Most communists/globalists would attend and sit through it.

Many, including Pelosi and Kamala, would officially or unofficially boycott it, and then issue press releases blasting Netanyahu. And then move the party on with the Obama-era business of getting closer to Islamic terrorists, saving Hamas, and turning on Israel.

This from

But the plan went awry when Netanyahu gave a barn-burner of a speech that was also politically bipartisan.

The media and radical Left like Pelosi simply did not care, however, and issued press releases and wrote stories that senselessly followed the pre-existing narrative.

The result: Netanyahu had given a compelling speech that could not be ignored, there could be no real opposing response to.

Worse still, while Netanyahu spoke, mobs of Marxists and moslems roamed D.C., vandalizing landmarks with Hamas graffiti (literally graffiti supportive of the Islamic terrorist group), chanted calls for the murder of Jews, and burned American flags while chanting Allahu Akbar (God is greatest). And fought with Capitol Police.

After all this, some members of Congress and actual Americans went to the site of the Hamas orgy by Union Station and raised the flag back up again.

Again, in July We the People are reliving the Star Spangled Banner’s origins. This time in our own capital which was invaded by foreign and domestic enemies who operated freely without sanction.

Fearing bad publicity in an election year, [the Left] issued statements condemning what took place, but once again (in a familiar pattern) without naming those groups responsible or calling for action.

Hours earlier, pro-Jihad Left members of Congress including Sen. Chris Murphy and Obama adviser Ben Rhodes were denouncing Netanyahu for criticizing pro-Hamas protests in America.

Then some of them had to pivot to pro-forma condemnations. But the condemnations are meaningless unless they lead to action.

Leftists have no problem going after J6 people, the NRA, and anti-abortion protesters. But they won’t touch their own armies of terrorists. Or even call them out by name.

The D.C. Jihad may have shocked even the communist/globalist crime syndicate, but they still will not do anything about it.

There are plenty of photos and videos of these people available. But they are not worried about being arrested. Those who were arrested are out already and will not face any serious consequences.

And that is one reason why these hoodlums feel uninhibited to keep rioting like this.

God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic and Rule of Law with equal Justice for ALL.