Mass Propaganda Media Buries Info on Islamic Terror Rocket That Killed 12 Children on Golan Heights Soccer Field

The media routinely plays up civilian casualties in any Israeli air strike.

However, as the headlines reveal below, the no-news-here game is played very differently when Islamic terrorist attacks kill non-moslem children.

Below are the victims.

This from

Saturday, Hezbollah fired at least two rockets into the Israeli town of Majdal Shams.

The Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah struck a soccer field in the Israeli Golan Heights killing a dozen Druze children (Druze are a non-Jewish minority group in Israel whose members often serve in the Israeli military), the media did its best to write the most ambiguous headlines possible.

Rocket From Lebanon Kills at Least 12 in Israeli-Controlled Golan HeightsNew York Times

The New York Times keeps it ambiguous while MSNBC manages to front load claims of an “Israeli occupation” in the attack.

Rocket Attack in Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights Leaves Multiple Dead and Injured—MSNBC

But the overall prize goes to NPR for its “Israel had it coming” headline.

A Rocket Hit Israeli-Controlled Golan Heights, After Israel Struck a Gaza School—NPR

As bad as We the People think the fake-news mass-propaganda-media are, they are actually worse. They operate from a position of mental illness that no longer hides their societal suicidal goal of destroying America and enabling the communist/globalist crime syndicate to establish total tyrannical control of the ruins.

UPDATE: Israel struck Hezbollah in retaliation after soccer field killings. Is this WAR or is WAR imminent?

The Israel Air Force struck Hezbollah facilities throughout Lebanon Sunday in response to a Hezbollah rocket attack that killed 12 Druze young people on a soccer field in an Israeli town in the Golan Heights. It was the deadliest attack on Israel since October 7, 2023, and stoked fears that the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza might broaden into a war between Israel and Hezbollah in the Hezbollah heartland of the Bekaa Valley.

The town of Majdal Shams is mostly Druze, who retain Syrian citizenship under the 1981 law annexing the area and are not drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, although some do choose to serve and have risen in rank.

The attack prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to return early from his visit to the United States and immediately meet with his cabinet to plan a response.

The rockets struck a soccer field inside the city.

Hezbollah immediately shifted from a “we did it” celebration to playing Sergeant Schultz.

This was followed by terror simps on social media claiming that the rocket was an errant Iron Dome missile.



This account is a pro-Assad account, excluding the fact that it still was not all that convincing.

This video appears to show a successful Iron Dome interception. From where or when it was taken is unknown; what is known is that the impact of debris from the interception is not in Majdal Shams.

Here is another video purporting to be the same event, even though it obviously is not.

Even if both were taken when and where claimed, they definitively prove that nothing from Iron Dome missiles fell in Majdal Shams.

This Israeli response was not long in coming.

Israel’s military said it targeted Hezbollah weapons caches and militant infrastructure in Lebanon overnight, including in the areas of Chabriha, Borj El Chmali, Beqaa, Kfarkela, Rab El Thalathine, Khiam and Tayr Harfa.

Because of the specifics of the attack—the victims were Druze, not Israeli, and it took place in Golan, not Israel-proper—the odds of this being the flashpoint for a wider regional war are limited. One of the unintended consequences may be solidifying Druze support for Israel among those living there and creating an enemy for Hezbollah in Syria.