Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don’t—What About Dear Kamala?—The Art of Dumping a Losing Candidate

The task at hand for the Left: Convincing their base uber-DEI VP Kamala Harris is fit to be President of (what once was) the proudest, mightiest nation the world has ever known.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Dear Kamala–The look of Evil Incarnate

If Dear Kamala were elected, no doubt Putin and Xi would think the American people—at least a cheatable minority—had gone completely mad. They would take advantage of her in every way possible.

But how can one feel sorry for the Leftists? They totally created this disaster for themselves.

They have effeminized their party so badly they don’t really have anybody qualified to be President—a person who is tough, with cojones, with moral courage, or even an ounce of godly virtue.

They have completed the transformation of their political party into a communist/globalist crime syndicate.

[Some would say] they have completely turned the party over to the effete, perverted Left in the midst of a frightening world full of monsters that demands resolution, determination, and moral dynamism.

Besides 2024, think of who their choices were in 2020. Nobody of any merit or character. They decided on Joe Biden by default, and look at what that has cost the country, internally and around the world. Although, with Barack Hussein Obama directing the demise from the shadows, whoever had become the figurehead would have created the same amount of waste and destruction.

Would Dear Kamala be able to regain America’s reputation internationally as a strong, forceful leader for freedom and virtue?

If she [is going to], she’ll have to show something she has certainly never shown before.

But, again, this is totally the Left’s own fault for pandering to identity politics and decadence to buy votes.

[Voters may] appeal to a contingent of godless, unvirtuous, immoral, narcissistic elites, [but they should not feign] shock when the government they [put forward for the steal] has absolutely no moral compass, or no [intention] to arrive at a destination where the country remains on a solid foundation of morality, decency, normality, and courage.

The Left nominated a senile, old never-was in 2020. Joe Biden had absolutely no ability to lead anybody anywhere. “He never had in 50 years in Washington. And, not surprisingly, he has been the worst President in American history.”

And not only did the Left put this incompetent bungler in the White House, but they also installed a DEI square-filler in the VP slot. They reached DOWN instead of UP to offer the people someone less capable than even Joe Biden.

And now, Biden cannot serve as President any longer, he is simply physically and mentally unable to do so, and the Left “seem stuck with having to convince the country Kamala Harris can lead America.”

What a horrible organization the…Party has become.

They KNOW Dear Kamala is a terrible mistake. They never intended for her to occupy the Oval Office; they merely intended for her to appeal to the racial, gender, and immoral identity groups that are so important to them for holding onto power. Now, though, how are they to get rid of her?

If they criticize or dump her—especially for a white person—they set themselves up for the accusation of racism, and they will probably lose much of the most vital constituency they have, even though Trump will likely succeed in pulling away many disgusted black voters anyway.

But the Left cannot keep Dear Kamala as their candidate. “She’s more unpopular than Biden and clearly less capable than even he is.” And he is senile. Her excuse is stupidity—should they try explaining that to their base as their rationale for dumping her? Too bad too Dear Kamala is not even smart enough to know she is stupid.

Adding to the conundrum, most Leftists seem to be lining up behind her. They have to. How can they not? “She represents everything their party stands for, from her depraved affair with Willie Brown to DEI Secret Service incompetence.” That’s the communist/globalist crime syndicate. That’s what they want to turn America into. That’s the mess The Regime has created for itself by its hideous, degenerate, Leftist, racist, anti-American policies.

Conservative America, however, must not become complacent. We the People are about to be bombarded with the most massive propaganda campaign in the history of mankind.

Joseph Goebbels was an inept toddler compared to what the [Left] and their media cohorts are going to unleash upon the American people. By the time they are finished, Kamala Harris will be the Mother of God, smarter, wiser, and more holy than He is, running against the most horrifying, evil demon humanity has ever produced, and countless Americans will believe every word of it.

The con has already started, too. The Left is desperately trying to think of a way to rid themselves of Dear Kamala, but without a miracle—and God is not likely to assist them—they will be stuck with her.

Goebbels’ master, Adolf Hitler, once said, “There are no end of stupid people in the world.” Whether he was right or not, Dear Kamala will garner at least 33% of the vote for the simple reason she calls herself a ‘Democrat’—that is if she retains The Regime nod.