Prosecuting Dear Kamala: The Case Against Her Is Strong

Before prosecuting the solid case against Dear Kamala, America first must have in place an uncompromised, ethical system of justice along with The Supremes having unburdened themselves of their compromised, ineffective members.

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Last week, in a campaign stop in Wisconsin following a resoundingly successful RNC convention, Dear Kamala spoke of her time as a prosecutor and how she “had dealt with individuals like Donald Trump…so much for tamping down the temperature, huh?” However, since improprieties, illegalities, and prosecutions are to be discussed, let us turn to Dear Kamala and speak about prosecuting her case. And let us ask some painful questions concerning whether she would meet her oath of office and elect to prosecute.

What would be her defense against a case prosecuting her as a failed so-called Border Czarina? We all remember Lester Holt asking her about not having been to the border and her insidious but childish response, “I have not been to Europe either.”

NOTE: We the People will be burdened with more half-wit responses like that in the coming months.

Tens of millions of illegals have invaded our beloved country, in violation of our Constitution. Dear Kamala took an oath to uphold the laws of this Country. Would she prosecute those illegals who have raped and murdered American women?

NOTE: Dear Kamala was recently in Texas for a sorority gathering but found no time to visit the family of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Texas girl brutally raped and killed by illegals.

We ask, ‘Would Dear Kamala’:

 – [T]ake the case and prosecute the killer of Laken Riley? We the People have never even heard Dear Kamala speak Laken’s name,

 – [P]rosecute the case of granting illegal aliens driver’s licenses, which, under the 1996 Motor Voter Law signed by Bill Clinton, would allow them to register to vote?

 – [P]rosecute the case of District Attorneys like Alvin Bragg for releasing violent criminals back onto our streets?

 – [P]rosecute Senator Chuck Schumer for his open threat toward two SCOTUS Justices—Gorsuch and Kavanaugh—when he shouted they would reap the wind and would not know what hit them? Later, of course, there was that thwarted assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh,

 – [P]rosecute one Merrick Garland for his abject refusal to release the Robert Hur interview tapes of Joe Biden, showing utter disdain for the separation of powers, checks, and balances, and the ideals of coequal branches of government? and

 – [P]rosecute her boss, Joe Biden, for violating the Constitution and a Supreme Court decision on college student loan debt?

Now, perhaps the greatest rationale for prosecuting Dear Kamala is her defrauding of the American people by her incessantly lying to us about the health and state of mind of Dementia Joe.

Dear Kamala, a solid grounding in ethics and an honest desire to serve We the People have not been your strong points, rather you have risen to your current position by the use of identity politics as well as your unmentionable female talents. Prosecuting you would be an easy choice given the seemingly endless list of ways you have violated your oath of office.

We the American People can ill afford another empty-suit, or pantsuit, wearing person in the White House.

We will be very astute and truthful in prosecuting the case against you, regardless of the media, entertainment, and political elites’ attempts to gloss over your evident failures.

No, we will not allow a glossing over of your failures.

We will talk about your destructive policies:

– like eliminating private healthcare insurance,

– a national universal basic income, and

– other delusional progressive socialist ideological positions that you embrace.

The case against you, Dear Kamala, is strong, and we shall commit judiciously to prosecuting it. And this prosecution shall not ever rest.