Speaker Johnson Said Biden’s SCOTUS Changes “Dead on Arrival,” Biden Fires Back—Inappropriately

After announcing his departure from the 2024 race, Dementia Joe decided to go out with a bang by proposing a radical overhaul of the Supreme Court.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

Predictably, this move has sent the far left into ecstatic cheers while conservatives are left shaking their heads in horror.

The man at the center of the conservative response is House Speaker Mike Johnson, who minced no words in his reaction. Biden’s plan to overhaul the Supreme Court comes as no surprise to those who have been watching The Regime’s desperate attempts to cling to relevance.

After a series of decisions that did not go his way, Biden (The Regime) now seems intent on reshaping one of the country’s most respected institutions to better fit his crime syndicate’s agenda. But this bold move has drawn a sharp rebuke from Republicans, particularly from the newly minted House Speaker Mike Johnson.

The tension came to a head in a heated exchange that quickly made headlines.

From The Daily Wire:

…Biden sparked some backlash on Monday when he lashed out at House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), saying that he would be ‘dead on arrival.’

The exchange began with Johnson’s statement on Biden’s remarks regarding the Supreme Court and his plan to overhaul it in the wake of a number of decisions that had not gone his way. But when Biden was asked about Johnson’s statement, he replied, ‘That’s what he is.’ ‘That he is?’ a reporter pressed. ‘Dead on arrival,’ Biden said.

Biden’s choice of words was not only undiplomatic but downright disrespectful. For having campaigned on unity and healing, calling the Speaker of the House “dead on arrival” shows just how thin the veneer of his civility has become. It’s a telling sign of the desperation in the Biden camp as his pretendency winds down and his influence wanes.

Speaker Mike Johnson, on the other hand, has emerged as a strong and articulate voice for the GOP. His critique of Biden’s plan to overhaul the Supreme Court was sharp and to the point, reflecting the sentiments of many Americans who see this move as an attack on the very fabric of the Constitution.

Biden’s proposed overhaul of the Supreme Court is a last-ditch effort to salvage something from his floundering four years. The Supreme Court has been a thorn in the side of The Regime, with several key rulings going against their agenda, including lawfare against a political opponent. But instead of respecting the decisions of the highest court in the land, The Regime seems intent on pursing this fool’s error.

This radical plan is being met with enthusiasm from the far-left, who have been clamoring for court-packing for years. But for conservatives and anyone who values the integrity of the judicial system, it’s a horrifying prospect. The Supreme Court is meant to be an impartial arbiter of the law, not a political tool to be manipulated by the party in power.

Speaker Johnson’s response to Biden’s Supreme Court overhaul plan was swift and unequivocal. He made it clear that such a move would be met with staunch opposition from the GOP. Johnson’s criticism underscores the deep divide between Biden’s vision for the country and the principles that conservatives hold dear.

Biden’s time in his stolen position has been marked by a series of blunders and missteps, and now he is limping toward a destructive conclusion. Many saw his decision to withdraw from the 2024 race as an admission of failure. But rather than quietly exiting the stage, Biden’s handlers seem determined to cause as much disruption as possible on his way out. And Dear Kamala is endorsing Joe’s plan and following along with the lunacy.

As The Regime enters its final chapter, the political landscape is set for a tumultuous ride. The Supreme Court overhaul plan is just the latest in a series of contentious issues that will define Biden’s legacy. For Speaker Johnson and the GOP, the task is clear: stand firm against the erosion of constitutional principles and prepare for the battles ahead.

The American people deserve a government that respects the rule of law and the separation of powers. The Regime’s attempt to reshape the Supreme Court is a dangerous step towards undermining these foundational principles. This is a fight that Conservatives must be prepared to wage with all their might.