Red State Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Woke Laws in Major Decision

Nebraska’s state Supreme Court has been busy with rulings that reflect the national debate over state versus federal power.

These decisions highlight how state courts can shape laws that affect their communities and as the nation watches, Nebraska is setting the stage for other states.

This from

As the conservative legislature passes laws that protect American rights, the Left have been quick to challenge them.

The state of Nebraska passed a law that protected children on several fronts. The Left did not seem to have sufficient ammunition to shoot it down, so they resorted to using a technicality, hoping it would be enough to eradicate this bill. The fight was taken all the way to the state Supreme Court. And this is how they ruled.

From Washington Examiner:

The Nebraska Supreme Court on Friday upheld laws restricting both abortion access after 12 weeks and transgender medicine for minors following a challenge that the measure violated the state’s constitutional obligation that all bills must stick to a single subject.

The state Supreme Court said that abortion and transgender medicine are ‘distinct types of medical care,’ but the law combining regulations on both does not violate the single-subject rule because they both fall under the topic of healthcare.

In a landmark decision, the Nebraska Supreme Court upheld a 12-week abortion ban. The court also supported restrictions on transgender medical procedures for minors.

This is a big win for pro-life advocates.

It also concerns those worried about transgender treatments for young people.

The court’s decision reflects

Nebraska’s conservative values.

The ruling confirms Legislative Bill 814. This bill bans abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy, with few exceptions. It has been a hot topic in Nebraska politics. The goal is to protect the unborn. But it has sparked intense debates about women’s reproductive rights. The bill also restricts gender-affirming treatments for minors. This move has both supporters and critics.

The usual suspects originally opposed the law.

The ACLU sued Nebraska, at the request of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest provider of abortions—and it happens to be one of the communist/globalist crime syndicate’s biggest donors. As noted above, the lawsuit claimed the law violated Nebraska’s constitution by address more than one subject.

Since the law was passed, abortions in the state have dropped by 25%. This is consistent with other red states that have put tight restrictions on abortion since the end of Roe v. Wade.

Most parents appear to support restrictions on transgender procedures on minors. There does not appear to be much support for this trend even in blue states.

[I]n states that allow these procedures on minors, it appears children are coerced into them by public school teachers. Parents are intimidated into supporting it, if they are told at all.

Red states have been leading the way to ban transgender procedures on minors. Despite intense pushback from the Left and the media, the evidence appears to be mounting that these procedures do irreversible damage to children. Many who had these procedures as children grew up to regret it.

Final thoughts: Cessation of questionable medical procedures should not be the end of the story. Indictments, prosecutions, and severe sentences for crimes against humanity must follow.