After 9/11 Plea Deal Fiasco, There Is Only One Way to Describe This White House: It Is An Absolute Clusterf**K

As reported Friday, the 9/11 plea deal is off. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin essentially tore up the deal and relieved the overseer of the war court at Guantánamo Bay.

This from

As reported Thursday, the initial agreement:

Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and two accomplices—Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin ‘Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi—agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy and murder charges in exchange for a life sentence, eliminating the possibility of a death penalty trial at Guantanamo Bay, according to The New York Times.

What We the People have been presented is typically par for the course regarding this Regime—what a mess.

This goings-on once again dredges up a lingering question: Who’s steering the ship?

Since Dementia Joe quit the 2024 race—forced out by communist/globalist crime syndicate bosses and big donors—he has retreated into the bunker, delegating whatever authority Obama allowed him to his cabinet secretaries:

[A]s he did with Mr. Blinken on Ukraine aid, and overall being unseen for days.

The U.S. is barreling toward another Middle East war, Iran is preparing some retaliatory strike for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and Dementia Joe is AWOL.

This 9/11 deal fiasco shows that either The Regime did not know and is catching up, or it approved this but saw the polling and is backtracking quickly. Either way, the situation is inexcusable.

It’s not insane to say we don’t have a president right now.

When greeting the Americans freed from Russia at Andrews Air Force Base, Dementia Joe seemed absolutely lost. Also, is Dear Kamala running the show? Who’s strings are Obama now pulling?

Final thoughts: If this blind-leading-the-blind charade is what The Regime has determined appropriate to allow We the People to see, imagine what we do not see. A frightening thought, indeed.