The Computer Model (AI) Answers Questions: Will There Be a U.S. Civil War 2025-2026? Will 2024 Be the Last Election?

The computer model warns we are headed into tremendous civil unrest—those behind the curtain are NOT about to let Trump thwart their agenda of World War III without a fight.

This from

The nation was warned the Deep State would attempt to assassinate Trump, “for it was on the 13-year Assassination Cycle.”

The last non-Deep State assassination attempt was on Obama in 2011. On top of this, the Civil War Cycle turns up in a few weeks – 2024.679 (September 4/5th).

On November 11, 2011 (2011.863), seven shots were fired and hit the White House, but nobody was injured. About 13 years later, it brings us to 2024 as well with the attempted assassination of Trump.

The results of the 2024 election—NOBODY will accept it regardless who wins.

The Neocon Deep State has NO INTENTION of allowing Trump to dismantle their power.

The nation has been warned the military will most likely eventually split and take sides as they did numerous times throughout the Roman Empire.

NOTE: Following the death of Nero in 68AD, various Roman generals made their power play. Thus, 68-69AD became the Civil War of Five Emperors and one champion of liberty—Gaius Julius Vindex (c. 25–68AD), who was a Roman governor of a noble Gallic family of Aquitania. It was Vindex who began the revolt against Nero in either late 67 or early 68AD.

According to the historian Cassius Dio, Vindex:

[W]as powerful in body and of shrewd intelligence, was skilled in warfare and full of daring for any great enterprise; and he had a passionate love of freedom and a vast ambition.

His coinage never depicted his own image. It was most often Liberty or Augustus who died in 14AD.

As with most such domestic upheavals,

they tend to be concluded within 2 to 3 years.

Many notable neocons—Bill Kristol is one example—are anti-Trump, primarily because he is for peace rather than war, and will do whatever they can to defeat Trump. They are committed and they will not give up.

Thus, this will prove to be a battle to the death.

The last time Trump was in office, the Deep State created the fake Russia Gate scandal to distract Trump from draining the swamp, and that derailed more than half of his term. The “establishment” stuffed his cabinet with the Deep State cronies, and he discovered there were pros at derailing his agenda and stabbing him in the back. This is the same agenda they are planning for this time.

Even a Trump victory will not prevent recession into 2028.

According to the computer model, the risk of civil unrest will begin despite who wins. The Neocons are already scheming to disrupt a Trump Administration and are already pitching to the military to be prepared to remove him on any conspiracy theory they concoct. For this reason and more, the U.S. will likely fall into Civil Warthese people are NOT about to let their power go without a fight.

[Also, they believe] they are so close to bringing about the destruction of Russia, which has been their dream for decades. [This is an added goal for which to fight.]

The Civil War may last for perhaps two years—into 2026. This will be a fight for the soul of the nation against those who have usurped the power of the United States for personal vendettas.

By this thirst for power, they may yet attempt to assassinate Trump again or poison him and claim it is bird flu.

We the People must be prepared:

There is just way too much at stake,

and these people will NOT walk away.

One concern of many: The LEFT/Neocons are flooding our beloved country with illegal aliens who will be expected to vote against American citizens to enable the Left to retain absolute dictatorial power.

NOTE: Throughout history, whenever such concentrations of power occur, this sparks civil wars. Internally, it weakens the nation-state and inevitably leads to coups and rebellions. The history of the Byzantine Empire denotes this. The military split and various provincial armies rose up against that central power to claim their own. In this way, emperors such as Nikephoros II Phokas (r. 963–969) and Heraclius (r. 610–641) achieved royal power for themselves.

Nobody will accept this election in the United States, and the computer model warns this may be the LAST election ever.

Further, there is violence in Venezuela, France, and now even in the United Kingdom.

NOTE: [This computer model] projected a Trump victory against every poll that handed it to Hillary. In Britain, [the] computer projected BREXIT would win against every poll that said it would lose. [This computer model] does NOT care who are the candidates. People will ultimately vote based upon economic conditions and their confidence in government.

Final thoughts: Computer models have been forecasting weather for decades—some would say with questionable accuracy. Now computer models are being used to forecast social upheaval.

If this is history repeating itself, then the upheaval models may very well be more accurate than the weather models. In any case, please know this article seeks to warn as much as to entertain.

What may be the best news herein if we may trust history to repeat itself and model accuracy, the Civil War is expected to last for only approximately two years—into 2026. Provided Conservatism wins, the upheaval may be short lived.

Jeremiah 29:11 Trust the Plan.