As the Story Goes, Dear Kamala Paid the Homeless to Attend Her Scant Atlanta “Ghetto” Rally…

From afar, Dear Kamala’s Atlanta rally seemed wildly successful, but a closer look reveals it was falling apart at the seams.

This from

The event was more like a rap concert, seemingly designed to attract blacks. However, as soon as the curtains lifted, many black Americans complained about how Dear Kamala’s “ghetto” event made them look bad.

Furthermore, many attendees walked out of the arena as soon as the music ended and Dear Kamala took the stage. Now, there are whispers that the communist/globalist crime syndicate paid homeless people to fill the venue. This cannot be positively confirmed, however, given the Left’s current level of desperation, should anyone really be surprised if these rumors were true?

Clearly, paid homeless or not, this is not a serious campaign because Kamala is not a serious (or even real) candidate, and We the People know this full well.

Many black complained about how “ghetto” the Atlanta rally was.

And speaking of ghetto, Dear Kamala really put on a show with her “blaccent,” shucking and jiving all over the stage. She might even be phonier than Hillary “Hot Sauce” Clinton, especially considering that just last week, when Kamala was speaking to drag queens, her “hood accent” was nowhere to be found.

Dear Kamala’s rally had this “vibe.”

But jive accent or not, it turns out that the folks who attended the rally were not actually there to hear Kamala.


Kamala Harris on Tuesday evening held a campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia, where she vowed to confiscate firearms and absurdly claimed she was working to secure the border.

Only it wasn’t just a campaign rally for Harris.

After stealing Joe Biden’s delegates, the media is desperate to sell ‘Kamalamania.’

Kamala Harris has never won a primary. She didn’t win the primary in 2020 and she stole Biden’s delegates in the 2024 election cycle.

The Atlanta crowd didn’t show up to see Kamala Harris. They turned out to see rappers twerk.

The moment Kamala started talking, many in the crowd bailed.

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This is a textbook case of “astroturfing.” Astroturfing happens when a campaign pretends there is a lot of grassroots support when there really isn’t.

Take Dear Kamala’s rally in Atlanta—they rolled out big-name rappers to draw a crowd. Then, they acted as though all those people showed up just for Dear Kamala, trying to boost her popularity. It’s a deceptive tactic to paint a misleading picture of a candidate’s support. This is a classic strategy the left uses regularly, and they’ll keep doing it to prop up fake polls that show an unpopular Dear Kamala taking the lead.

They’re trying to sell us the idea that Kamala, a failed VP with worse polling numbers than Joe Biden, is the candidate the country has been waiting for. It’s all smoke and mirrors, but right now, that’s all they’ve got.

Final thought: Dear Kamala is intent on proving she is black enough for the black vote. And on top of that, by flashing ghetto she is trying to prove she isn’t an Uncle Tom either.