Speaker Johnson: Harris-Walz ‘Most Radical Left-Wing Ticket’

The Elite’s nominee, Dear Kamala, has been handed equally radical left Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate.

This from newsmax.com.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said Tuesday:

[The Regime] has created the most radical left-wing ticket in American history.


The most liberal ‘nominee’ to ever appear on a presidential ballot has now chosen a progressive running mate who has voiced support for socialism, supports sanctuary cities, and wants to give driver’s licenses to the millions of illegal aliens [she] has allowed into our country.


No amount of spin from the campaign or the media can distract from the objective facts and the disastrous records of Harris and Walz.

Johnson’s comments echoed those from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who said Tuesday that Walz would be:

[The] worst vice president [in history and that he would unleash] hell on earth and open our borders to the worst criminals imaginable.

According to Johnson:

Harris, meanwhile, has failed as vice president.


The southern border has been opened wide, life is unaffordable for working families, and wars have erupted around the world due to America’s weakness on the world stage.

Johnson concluded:

[Dear Kamala] was also America’s most liberal senator and sought to ban fracking, abolish ICE, pass the Green New Deal, provide benefits for illegal immigrants, and slash funding for police departments.

I look forward to highlighting the vast differences between the most radical left-wing ticket in American history and the America first agenda that President Donald Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance are fighting for every day.

Where Tim Walz stands on the issues:

Walz signed a bill last year that guaranteed Minnesotans a ‘fundamental right to make autonomous decisions’ about reproductive health care on issues such as abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments. [Also, Walz] signed legislation to allow minors to get sex-change operations.

Walz’s administration has set a goal for Minnesota to rely on 100 percent renewable electricity by 2040. He signed legislation that directs officials to prioritize the creation of renewable energy facilities in the same communities that previously had fossil-fuel plants.

He has condemned the attempts by President Trump to overturn the 2020 [stolen] election.

Last year, Walz signed a bill establishing automatic voter registration, letting 16- and 17-year-olds preregister to vote so that they are on the rolls when they turn 18, and allowing people to put themselves on a permanent list for absentee ballots.

Walz and Minnesota’s Democratic legislative majorities have enacted progressive economic policies such as providing free college tuition for low-income students, offering free meals for schoolchildren, and instituting paid medical and family leave.

His budgets have provided for tax rebates for low- and middle-income Minnesotans and have funded a child tax credit for low-income families, alongside tax increases on gas and on investment income for wealthy taxpayers.

Walz supports a path to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants. In a 2021 letter to Democratic leaders in Congress, he urged such a path for “Dreamers” brought to the United States as children, for essential workers, for people whose countries are in crisis and for the families of those immigrants.

As a member of Congress years ago, he voted for stricter screening of refugees, but changed his position when he ran for governor. During his 2022 re-election campaign, he denounced his Republican opponent for saying that accepting immigrants without enough resources threatened ‘Minnesota’s fabric of life.’

Walz said, ‘He’s 100 percent wrong morally, and he’s 100 percent wrong economically and culturally.’

Walz has not spoken extensively about Israel or Gaza.

In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, he condemned Hamas while saying he supported a deal to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, writing on social media:

‘The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas, and Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. We cannot let terrorists like Hamas win.’

Additionally, from Breitbart:

Waltz has a history of governing far to the left as Minnesota’s governor. He was also a radical member of the House of Representatives, with Heritage Action giving him a lifetime score of 13 percent.

To wit:

Walz … failed in 2020 to anticipate and react to riots in Minneapolis after the death of George Floyd at police hands.

The violence led to the destruction of a police precinct, widespread looting, and the spread of riots nationwide.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey blamed Walz for failing to respond.

In addition to this major issue, stories are surfacing of a DUI Walz committed years ago. One that has not been properly addressed to the public.

NOTE: Walz will likely face new scrutiny over a 1995 DUI arrest after court records emerged to suggest he had misled the public about the case. Perhaps now he will be given a full opportunity to set the record straight with We the People.

God speed to the Trump/Vance team.