Illegal Aliens, Pack Your Bags—You’ve Broken the Law and You’re Being Removed

Since Dementia Joe assumed his current position, the border crisis has become worse than ever.

This from

Earlier this year, it was revealed that over 7.2 million illegal aliens had crossed the border since the election steal.

This seems to be a low-ball estimate, but even still:

This is greater than the population of 36 states.

Immediately following his re-election, President Trump intends to fix this. Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), have made it clear that tackling the border crisis is a top priority for them.

During a press conference on Wednesday, Vance laid out the plans that he and Trump have to fix our country’s broken immigration system. Vance then sent a brutal message to all illegal aliens to let them know that, unlike the current administration, he and Trump mean business.

From The Washington Examiner:

Vance laid out that the first thing the Trump administration would do is to ‘reimplement deportation and finish construction of the border wall.’

He said they would stop the push for ‘mass amnesty’ for ‘millions of illegal aliens.’

The Ohio senator told the media that these initial steps would solve ‘most of the problems’ and reminded them that it has previously worked because ‘Trump already did it.’

Vance then addressed what would happen to the undocumented migrants currently in the country.

He said:

The first thing President Trump will do is stop the massive inflow of illegal aliens in the first place. You gotta stop the bleeding before you can actually fix the problem here.

Then he rhetorically asked:

Now, what do you do with the people who are already here?

He declared:

I think it’s important that you send a message that if you have come to this country illegally, if you plowed into an innocent mom and their daughter and they lost their lives because of your actions, the message from the Trump administration is simple: Pack your bags because in four months, you are going home.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that!

What Dementia Joe and Dear Kamala have done to this country when it comes to the border is an absolute travesty. Their lax border policies that allow virtually anyone to walk into the U.S. illegally has put millions of American lives in danger. Of course, The Regime doesn’t care about that, as they are hoping that many of the millions of illegals that have flooded our border will find ways to vote in American elections, and then vote blue.

Vance’s comments indicate that his and Trump’s campaign strategy is to show voters they will get things done. Dear Kamala and Tim Walz appear to be campaigning on simply being joyful and laughing nonsensically every chance they get. In contrast, Trump and Vance are running to fix this country that has become hopelessly broken under the communist/globalist crime syndicate control.

And Vance didn’t stop there.

More from The Washington Examiner:

Trump’s running mate said their administration would start deporting ‘the most violent criminals’ and make it hard for businesses to ‘hire illegal aliens.’

During his press conference, he implored the press to ‘do a better job at actually forcing Kamala Harris to answer questions’ on numerous issues, including her handling of the southern border.

The military veteran said:

If you are not willing to tell at least some of the people who are in this country illegally that you have to go back, then you don‘t have a real border policy. Unfortunately, that is what Kamala Harris has given this country.


We do not consent to an invasion of the country for millions of people who shouldn’t be here and we are going to deport people.

Dear Kamala was Dementia Joe’s border czar. She had years to fix the border crisis, yet it only got worse on her watch. If she is elected president, we can only expect the border crisis to escalate even further. America simply cannot afford to have that happen.

Once Trump is back in office, however, he and Vance will make fixing the border a main priority. In the end, anyone who actually cares about the border should not have to think twice about voting Trump come November.