Opinion: This is Trump’s Election to Lose but He Must Avoid the Leftist Traps

The still-not-certain communist/globalist nominee, Dear Kamala, is a lifelong California radical Leftist at a time when the state symbolizes an attitude in which ‘everything will be okay or it won’t—and more importantly—to put forth any effort to improve anything is futile.’

This from frontpagemag.com.

The good news for the Trump campaign is that Dear Kamala’s extremist advocacies as a San Francisco County and City attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And her accomplishments are anything but. Rather her mismanagement has been, in large part, what has virtually destroyed the state.

Dear Kamala has also been a driving force as Dementia Joe’s VP in each of The Regime’s unpopular and unworkable progressive policies.

To wit:

– open borders,

– massive illegal immigration,

– hyperinflation,

– fanning woke divisiveness,

– arguing for lax criminal prosecution, or

– defunding the police.

None of the Biden-Harris Regime’s main policy initiatives ever polled 50 percent approval.

Abroad, the world blew up under their tenure with an unbridled Putin invading Ukraine, an unbound Iran brazenly using its proxies to attack Israel, and China all but warning the West of its impending absorption of Taiwan—now not a question of if but only when.

So, it should be easy for Trump to win the key midwestern swing states.

All he needs to do is repeatedly remind voters that Harris is the most far-left presidential candidate in modern history. He can drive home that she is not only on record endorsing these extreme positions but has been doing so emphatically for years to energize her exclusively left-wing constituents and audiences.

And in one of their greatest efforts of smoke and mirrors, the Left dearly wants Trump to spend the next three months harping on Biden’s dementia, the farce of its coverup, the Leftist coup to remove him, and the deplorable record of Dear Kamala. But like cognitively challenged Dementia Joe in 2020, Dear Kamala—the “DEI” candidate—has handlers who will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or give interviews to real journalists.

With all this in mind, here are some other “easy” targets that are vulnerable to attack but Trump must avoid:

– As Trump put it, the entire Biden tenure really was a ‘disaster’—and thus, logically and by extension, so was Harris’s role in that calamity of an administration. But in the few weeks left (early voting in some states is scheduled to begin in mere days), they remain dead-ends, distractions, and time-wasters,

– Proving Harris is a DEI selection, a woke opportunist, a hypocrite, an utter incompetent, childlike, and indistinguishable from Joe Biden won’t win Trump a single additional MAGA vote in the swing states or one new Trump-hating Democrat, and

– Getting tangled up in Harris’s woke and racial contortions, her opportunistically amorous past, and her bouts of cacklerhea will only suggest that Trump is desperate and playing into the hands of the woke victimization narratives.

The following, now, are suggestions for what Trump should do:

– Ask [Dear Kamala] why she abandoned to the Taliban terrorists over 70,000 American trucks, armored vehicles, and Humvees, as well over a half-million heavy machine guns, automatic pistols, and assault weapons, along with over 100 planes and helicopters and nearly 200,000 assorted night-vision goggles, sophisticated radios, and artillery pieces?

– [S]how all the clips of a word salad [Kamala] struggling to achieve minimum coherence—but always in the context of her espousal of agendas that no one today wants,

– Let the left talk of her ‘diversity’ and being ‘the first female and black vice president’ and the pathbreaking ‘black and Indian nominee’ until the American people are weary of cheap woke pandering,

– Emphatically announce ‘She is the diversity candidate; I am the unity candidate. I want to help all Americans recover from the recent nightmare by offering them policies that improve their livelihoods, their freedoms, their security, and their unity with one another,’

– Again, force [Kamala] to come clean by either reemphasizing her lifelong extreme positions or [expose herself] as a flip-flopping opportunist, scrambling to reinvent herself in the fashion of a losing George McGovern, Mike Dukakis, or Jimmy Carter,

– [H]ammer away that Biden-Harris has left us with a $1.2 trillion yearly interest bill on the debt, higher interest rates, 10 million unaudited illegal and often dangerous aliens, a nonexistent border, and prices on staples essential to life—key foods, fuels, power, housing, insurance, and health care—20 to 30 percent higher than when Biden took office, and

– [T]he next debate(s), use characteristic-broad adjectives for Biden and Harris, such as ‘disaster,’ ‘terrible,’ or ‘horrible,’ [and] pepper Harris with what Biden actually did and her role in it. Don’t describe Harris as a disaster, but communicate in exactly what way and precisely how in her own words. And there are 30 years of her extreme advocacies to make that case.

If he completes each of the above attack suggestions and avoids all Leftist traps, Trump will win decisively in the fashion that Republicans did in 1972, 1980, and 1988 by avoiding the personal minutia and simply demonstrating why McGovern, Carter, and Dukakis were not what they professed to be, rather were entirely at odds with the majority of Americans.