Vance and Harris Land on Same Tarmac, GOP Candidate—Without Even Breaking a Sweat—Humiliates Kamala in Front of Press

Yes, for Dear Kamala, the honeymoon is over. She stole Dementia Joe’s nomination then her handlers gave her a loser for a running mate.

This from

Some media pundits, along with many critics, were surprised her handlers selected for her an extreme-left progressive (Read: communist) to be her running mate. Tim Walz’s record is as progressive as California’s, sparking fears throughout the communist/globalist crime syndicate that he will turn off everyone but the sycophantic left.

But there is another strategic mistake Dear Kamala has made—and continues to make. She may be able to hide behind campaign speeches, but she cannot depend on the media to cover for her forever.

According to reports:

Dear Kamala has not sat down for a one-on-one interview since Dementia Joe dropped out of the race.

Not only that, but she has refused to speak off-script at a press conference since taking over the campaign.

Everyone has noticed too, especially the Trump campaign. As it happened, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance landed on a tarmac at the same time as Dear Kamala.

Well, of course Dear Kamala ignored the crowd of reporters waiting for her. So, Vance eagerly granted them some desired attention.

From Daily Wire:

Ohio Senator and Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance was on the same tarmac as Vice President Kamala Harris in Wisconsin on Wednesday and felt some sympathy for the group of reporters covering the Democratic nominee…

Vance said pointing back at Air Force Two:

I figured I’d come by … hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months. I also thought you guys may get lonely because the vice president doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for seventeen days.

Capitalizing on the media’s frustration, Vance further addressed the gathered reporters, suggesting that the Veep’s refusal to answer questions was unfair to both the press and the American public.

Vance took this opportunity to urge Dear Kamala to engage more openly with voters and the media.

Vance asked:

Have they given you guys an explanation for why she won’t take questions from reporters?

Receiving no answer, he criticized Dear Kamala for running a “basement campaign.”

NOTE: This incident underscores a broader issue in the campaign:

With the election only weeks away, candidates’ accessibility and willingness to answer tough questions are becoming critical points of contention.

As both sides ramp up their efforts, voters are left to ponder which candidate will be more transparent and accountable.

But We the People all know why Harris is avoiding unscripted events. She is an absolute dingbat—as bad at speaking off-script as Dementia Joe is. Dear Kamala is known for her incoherent comments, often called “word salads” by listeners. She was able to hide behind Dementia Joe for three-plus years.

Thrust into the spotlight all by herself, she is in big trouble.

But, she will have to speak candidly eventually, if she is allowed to keep the candidacy (Read: not yet officially nominated) she stole from Dementia Joe.

NOTE: Rumors have started, including the psyop tease by President Trump that Dementia Joe will make his presence and anger at being robbed known at the DNC August 19-22 in Chicago. There is another rumor out there that Tim Walz was selected as Dear Kamala’s running mate because he will be so unacceptable to the delegates at the convention that he along with Dear Kamala will be removed from the ticket.

Final thoughts: Stranger things have happened. Remember the 1968 DNC in Chicago? Johnson had announced he would not seek re-election just five months prior and radicals tried to burn down the city.

And 2024 has already proven to be the year of the great switcheroo.