Trump Challenges Dear Kamala to Three Debates, She Agrees to Only One

Controversy has exploded over how Dear Kamala secured the communist/globalist crime syndicate nomination for president.

This from

Not a single voter was able to voice their opinion. Instead, backroom deals were made, and Dear Kamala emerged as the forced choice. No doubt, though, the syndicate is scared and hiding her from interviews and press conferences.

Second thoughts are the norm, indeed. All the donor money and carefully controlled events cannot hide the fact she is unprepared to be president. That’s okay, though, Obama will be making all the decisions, but still she will be the front person. And she is not at all capable. They know she’ll fold like a wet suit and something stupid will invariably come from her mouth. Proof of this is how she is being told to handle President Trump.

The Republican candidate has challenged her to three debates. This is normal in a presidential election. Dimentia Joe crashed and burned in a debate some say was arranged by his own party to take him out. Now, if Dear Kamala really is the right choice to lead the country, she should be able to handle three debates with her opponent. But, as it turns out, she has declined.

From The Post Millennial:

President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he’s agreed to three debates with Vice President Kamala Harris, Sept. 4 on Fox, Sept. 10 on ABC, and Sept. 25 with NBC. When asked if she would commit to those debates, in one of the only questions she’s taken from reporters since she became the Dem nominee for president, Harris would not commit to all three debates, only naming the Sept. 10 event as one she intended to attend…

Dear Kamala stated:

I have always been on record. I am looking forward to debating Donald Trump and we have a date of September 10. I hear he has finally committed to it, and I’m looking forward to it.

The saga of Kamala Harris continues, and this time, it’s about debates—or the lack thereof. There was a time when debates were a staple of any presidential campaign. They were the arena where political gladiators clashed, where we saw who could outsmart, out-talk, outlast, and even appear more likeable than their opponent. But it seems Dear Kamala has other plans—or her handlers have other plans for her.

Now, the big question—as if we need to ask—is, ‘Why?’ Why would Dear Kamala back away from the debate stage, away from an opportunity to prove herself, a chance to show her stuff, so to speak? Well, her handlers know full well debating Trump will not be an easy task. The man knows how to throw a verbal punch and keep his opponent on their heels. And with Dear Kamala’s proven limitations, her handlers intend to limit her exposure. In fact, do not be surprised if the September 10 debate is cancelled and each subsequent rescheduling of the debate likewise cancelled.

Dear Kamala will be leaving We the People hanging, with no official rationale given. Further, she has refused to give a real interview since taking the nomination from Dimentia Joe. Her handlers won’t even let her do a real press conference. And we all know why or at least we think we know why. The woman is not competent. She can’t string more than three words together without coming off as if she is talking in rhyme—as President Trump described her pattern of speech.

Now, all fun aside, let’s think outside the box. Imagine Dear Kamala as a mere place holder, along with her stolen-valor running mate Tim Walz—the two worst candidates ever appointed simply occupying space until the DNC, 19-22 August. At which time the Super Delegates will perform their organized revolt and demand another switcheroo. If this becomes the case, our question then will no longer be ‘Why,’ rather we should be asking ‘Who?’

Of course, Trump is ready to debate, ready to throw down, and now he is probably even more fired up knowing that Harris might be backing out. Can you imagine the one-liners he is going to come up with?

The man is practically a meme factory,

and this situation is giving him

all the material he could ever want.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate has a plan, the White Hats also have a plan. Ours should be to stay out of the way, remain poised and observant, and enjoy the popcorn.