Twenty Rules for ‘Election Chaos’

The following rules are meant to govern what can and cannot be said in public discourse of the 2020s. Also, these rules should help determine what can be said by media sources—including the colluding mass propaganda media.

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Rule One:

[A]ll laws, rules, codes of ethics, or standards of conduct exist only to the degree they can be weaponized against the political right. The left is not expected to live up to such things. [Further,] the left is the judge, jury, and executioner over such matters and will use this role to great effect against the right.

Rule Two:

[T]he left is always right, and the right is always wrong. The only purpose of communication is to achieve or exploit power. [And] anything the political left says is the absolute, indisputable truth, whereas anything the political right says is an outright and despicable lie.

Rule Three:

[T]he left is good, and the right is evil. We know this because the right believes in rules, ethics, standards of conduct, laws, and the like but is incapable of following such things 100% of the time. Every time someone on the right, and particularly those who profess to be Christians, commits what they would consider sin, it means EVERYONE on the right is guilty of ALL sin. The left believes in no such standards, ethics, rules, or laws, except to the degree that they can be used as political weapons against the right. Having no standards of conduct to live up to, the left cannot sin and is thus overflowing with goodness and virtue.

Rule Four:

[E]veryone on the right is a hypocrite. The only moral virtue is the acceptance of immoral behavior. Since the left accepts immorality as moral, they are overflowing with goodness and virtue.

Rule Five:

[T]he only moral virtue is the acceptance of immoral behavior—this point is important enough to have a rule of its own.

Rule Six:

The purpose of these rules is not to constrain the left. The purpose of these rules is to hold the right accountable for the constraints the left places on the right.

Rule Seven:

[No one] on the left can ever be criticized by the right.

Rule Eight:

[A]nyone who can be called oppressed and who denies their oppression is a traitor who must be destroyed.  If someone questions the state of their oppression, they are a traitor, not only to their race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, sexual preference, weight, or perceived species.

Being ‘woke’ is to be able to see oppression where it does not exist.

Rule Nine:

[T]he only people whose opinions matter are single white women, which certainly includes transgender single white women.

Rule Ten:

[W]e need more single white women, which certainly includes transgender single white women. Further, anything that discourages getting married, having children, or doing anything else related to not being single is the most important thing our government can do and the first thing we need to talk about in every conversation.

Rule Eleven:

[A]ny lie against Republicans instantly becomes true as soon as it hits Facebook. [Further,] lies stacked on top of one another as much as possible, make the lies easier to believe.

Rule Twelve:

[A]ll of the lies told about Republicans must be bad, whereas all of the lies told about Democrats must be good. For example, Trump is Hitler, whereas Kamala Harris is a ‘transformative, messianic figure. ‘

Rule Thirteen:

[E]very media house must be on board with every lie and with every one of these rules. Any media house that goes off script is a right-wing rag of MAGA extremism that must be removed from public discourse. The only thing worse than a rogue media source is a black person who thinks for themself.

Rule Fourteen:

[N]othing can ever be allowed to make sense or to be consistent. The public must be kept in a perpetual state of confusion. [I]f anyone ever actually found solid ground, they would instantly see these rules are absurd.

Rule Fifteen:

[W]henever there is more to gain in doing so, the left eats its own. Unless you are at the very top, you are 100% expendable.

Rule Twenty:

[N]o matter how many people are harmed by the left, the left takes no accountability for anything. When in doubt, blame Trump.


These are the BIG Twenty Rules for Election Chaos. And if you are wondering where rules sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen went, re-read rule fourteen.

