Opinion: Dementia Joe Will Resign in September with A Transfer of the Keys to Dear Kamala

A pre-election stunner in early September of this year, Dear Kamala will be handed the proverbial keys to the kingdom—appointed (in name only) President of the United States.

This from americaoutloud.news.

At least one prognosticator is predicting:

Joe Biden will resign as President and turn the mantle of the nation’s highest political office over to Kamala Harris before the Presidential election on November 5, 2024, some eight weeks before the conclusion of the Presidential race.

As for the Vice Presidency, Dear Kamala will nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress. And no doubt she will nominate Tampon Tim

Unquestionably, this will turn our political world and the current race for the Presidency upside down and inside out and [light up] the clock on Donald Trump’s campaign, possibly before his advisors can adjust Trump’s crusade to be elected President for the [third] time in three remarkable [elections].

Why would Dementia Joe, who remains intensely bitter over how his Regime handlers stopped cold his quest for a second term in office, turn over the position?

Most thought Joe would go, but for health reasons, he would withdraw from the race and immediately turn the Presidency over to his vice president. However, Joe did not withdraw, but unbelievably, he decided to remain President despite his undeniable appearance of advanced dementia.

NOTE: Never before in American history has a major political party stripped a sitting President’s presumptive nomination this late in the election process for no reason other than the appearance of possibly losing the race.

The conventional wisdom is that Joe has to remain President as long as possible to pardon his son Hunter for his criminal convictions. However, as the crystal ball reading goes, in trade with Kamala for giving up the Presidency nearly 21 weeks before inauguration day on January 20, 2025, the end of Joe’s term in office, Kamala promised Joe to pardon Hunter, no matter the outcome of Hunter’s tax evasion trial beginning sometime in September of 2024.

So, what’s the big deal about Kamala

becoming President in September?

Kamala would have eight weeks not only to appear as President but also to announce future policies as President instead of her current position as the Party’s nominee for President.

Due to of her position as President, Kamala could issue Executive Orders (EOs) on various and sundry issues.

Of course, [after] she loses the election to Donald Trump in November, her EOs would remain valid until January 20, 2025, and then expire.

Nevertheless, the value of being President is that the electorate would see her taking action, albeit perhaps only symbolic, acting Presidential. On the other hand, should she win the election, she’s been given a 21-week head start on her Presidency.

Likewise, Governor Tim (stolen valor) Walz would enjoy the same standing as the Vice-President, assuming Congress acted quickly to approve his nomination.

Of course, given that Republicans control the House, quick approval may not be possible. [So,] Kamala may attempt to keep Walz as her acting Vice President without forcing the nominating issue before November 5, 2024.

There’s also great value to the Harris-Walz team in shedding any stigma attached to the Biden-Harris regime of crushing and damaging policies.

So, We the People ask, ‘What does Joe Biden get out of this play?’

In short, the Democrat bosses have more money to play with, especially to manipulate their way to victory, than any political party should have at their disposal (not to mention dark money).

Without going into specifics, imagine what several million dollars, here or there, can do to persuade one Joe Biden to cooperate. [America has] the best Congress money can buy, why not do the same for the Presidency?

Whatever happens, Team Trump is fully anticipating such shenanigans and they, no doiubt, have a contingency plan to attack this flagrantly underhanded stunt.

Nonetheless, should this scenario transpire, or some other caper comes down the pike, [we] can always count on the [communists/globalists] to do whatever it takes to win, regardless of the harm it does to fair play. [The crime syndicate] plays to win, and they could care less if you think of them as underhanded scoundrels.

The lesson we’ve learned from prior elections is to expect the Left to do something skunkish and unexpected, like the signed letter by 51 former high-ranking intelligence officers concluding that the so-called Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant packed with Russian disinformation. 100% False!

And let us not forget, Dear Kamala is a consistently radical Leftist. Her running mate, Tampon Tim, is likewise an authentic Communist with a Capital ‘C’. We the People have every reason to believe they will do anything and everything imaginable and unimaginable to steal another election.

Heads Up, fellow Patriots.

