Senator J.D. Vance Expertly Turns the Tables on CNN’s Dana Bash When She Ambushes Him (VIDEO)

Sunday morning those who watched were reminded why President Trump selected Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) as his running mate.

Senator Vance turned the tables on CNN’s Dana Bash when she tried to ambush him with a full magazine of gotcha questions.

This from

Determined to paint Vance into a corner, a hostile Bash peppered him with a series of questions over harmless comments he made years ago while ignoring the serious questions surrounding Dear Kamala and her running mate Rambo Tim Walz.

The exchange is beautiful to watch as Vance keeps his cool and destroys Harris and Walz while Bash is left flustered and pouting.



You’ve now asked me three questions on comments that I made three years ago. I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies that opened the American southern border.

I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact she lied to the American people…


I’m interviewing you, not Kamala Harris.


About Joe Biden’s mental facility for the office. You are interviewing me because I respect the American people enough to sit down for an interview.


I appreciate that.


She has been the nominee for three weeks…



The point is, Dana, you got me for 15 minutes, or however long you have me. We should be talking about public policies that matter…We’ve talked so little about that and more about a sarcastic comment I made three years ago. I think we should talk about the issues that matter.


I believe President Trump that she (Harris) is a chameleon. She pretends to be one thing in front of one audience and something else in front of another.

Look, Dana, she’s not running a political campaign; she’s running a movie. She only speaks to voters behind a teleprompter. Everything is scripted; she does not have her policy positions out there. She wanted to ban fracking, but now she doesn’t; she wanted to fund police, but now she doesn’t…she should have to answer for why she presents a different set of policies to one audience and a different set of policies to another audience.

Vance also crushed Tim Walz for lying about his military record.


I never criticized what Tim Walz did when he was in the military, I criticized his retirement decision and him lying about his own record.

This is a guy who was captured on video saying, I carried a gun in war. He never went to war…I’m not criticizing Tim Walz’s service. I’m criticizing the fact that he lied about his service for political gain.

Final thoughts: Senator Vance comes across as a professional and well prepared. He is quick on his feet and does not need a teleprompter.