Dear Kamala Has Proposed $25,000 Down Payment Support for First-Time Homeowners and Other Socialist Policies

We have craziness from the Left out of North Carolina today.

Dear Kamala, who does not list any policies on her website, has announced her economic plan.

This from

Dementia Joe seems convinced Dear Kamala is going to stick with Bidenomics, but she has already announced Soviet-style price controls for grocery stores trying to make a quick buck. That will lead to food shortages and bread lines. It’s communism, and it DOES NOT work.

ABC News’ Selina Wang has another hint as to what Harris will propose Friday:

$25,000 in down payment support for first-time homeowners

with more generous support for first-generation homeowners.

Oh, she’s also going to lower rents by “taking on corporate and major landlords.”

So, she’s going to tell grocery stores and other businesses

what they can charge and landlords what they can collect.

Dear Kamala will also seek to provide homebuilders a tax incentive to construct and sell starter homes and establish a $40 billion fund to help local governments address housing shortages.

Dear Kamala’s  campaign said she will enforce the proposed new price-gouging rules by giving state attorneys general and the Federal Trade Commission more power to investigate and fine businesses. She will also encourage the government to intervene to stop mergers that would lead to higher grocery costs.

She has also come out against new tariffs, which could lead the price of household goods to jump, and tax cuts for rich Americans. She appeared alongside Dementia Joe at a Thursday event in Maryland, where he announced that Medicare had negotiated with private companies to reduce the costs of drugs that are used to treat cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and blood clots.

Remember, Dear Kamala broke the tie on the “Inflation Reduction Act,” and look how well that’s reduced inflation.

She really does want to destroy America. Trump must destroy her in the one debate she attends.