“Kamunism” Goes Viral as Dear Kamala Promotes Economy-Crashing Price Controls and Other Communist Tricks in America

Communism has reached America’s shores—and the Left is no longer trying to hide it.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Dear Kamala traveled to Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday to announce a Communist-style price control scheme to combat the inflation crisis she created.

Harris cast the tie-breaking vote on the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’

The IRA made inflation unbearable for Americans.

Food prices are skyrocketing because of Dementia Joe and Dear Kamala.

And Dear Kamala even admitted—although obviously unintentionally—her failed policies have led to the worst inflation crisis in 100 years.

She, now famously, said:

A loaf of bread costs 50% more today

than before the pandemic.

Ground beef is up almost 50%.

Dear Kamala also admitted the American dream is “out of reach” because of her failed far-left policies.


Everything she said, above, is true. But what the ignorant twit fails to see is that she and her Regime have put the American economy where it is.

And price control measures?

This is not the first time Dear Kamala has promoted communist policies in America.

In 2019 she was pushing communist style patent grabbing policies.

Stealing patents from companies and individuals is a prominent tactic of communist regimes.

There are no individual rights under communism—this is Dear Kamala’s plan for America.

Dear Kamala also kept black men in prison in California past their release date so she could use them for cheap labor.

Dear Kamala’s latest calls for communist-style price controls did not go unnoticed.

‘#Kamunism’ is trending on X.

Don Jr. retweeted:

David Friedberg, who is not a conservative, slammed Dear Kamala’s dangerous economic policies.

And #Kamunism was trending on X on Friday.

This would be funny if it weren’t so damn serious.