A New Theory: Dear Kamala Isn’t Stupid, She’s a Drunk

There has been a lot of chatter on X regarding Dear Kamala’s bizarre word salads. The newest theory, interestingly enough, involves her being hooked on alcohol, rather than being naturally stupid. And don’t rule out both.

Please, read on, check out the short clips, and judge for yourselves based on your own experience with alcohol and/or being around alcohol abusers/alcoholics.

This from hotair.com.

For a long time, people have assumed Dear Kamala is a moron, and We the People must admit this has been the working theory at least since she exploded onto the national scene. She rose through the ranks of communist/globalist politics on the backs of relationships with powerful people—the implication being that neither intelligence nor sobriety was the driving force in her rise to power.

So, let us now explore this alternate theory about why she is so incoherent. I believe that once you look at her with the topic of ‘problem alcohol use’ in mind, you will be unable not to at least consider the likelihood that it is true.

Watch Kamala’s mannerisms as she talks and consider the possibility of alcohol abuse being a factor. All those word salads, the occasional slurring, the inappropriate laughs… These are all tells that her brain is fogged by something, and it may not be stupidity.

Noted, Dear Kamala is not the sharpest shovel on the truck, “not playing with a full deck or knocking it out of the park when she takes an IQ test.”

But is she as stupid as she seems, or is she drunk?

Many vote drunk. And alcohol dependence would help explain her being so hard to work for and the frequent turnover in her support staff. But, oddly enough, reports of her drunkenness have not yet been leaked by departed staff members.

Actually too, Dear Kamala could be experiencing a Xanax addiction, but whether the addiction is to benzodiazepines or alcohol, medical withdrawal and treatment are critical. And maintaining the high until then is also critical. Alcohol and benzos are the two substances that an addict can die from if not properly detoxed.

Turning what had been a relatively well-hidden addiction into one demanding repeated nonstop public appearances like a political campaign while at the top of the ticket will not be easy. And what about withdrawal symptoms? If she had been recurringly experiencing withdrawal, this may explain why she has been absent from public view. Imagine being thrown into the public nonstop while still trying to maintain a sufficient buzz. Now, though, she will no longer as easily be able to hide away or escape to privacy to replenish the requirements of her addiction.

A lot to think about herein.

Seriously, though. does she not appear to be inebriated? She doesn’t always slur her words, but when she does it is remarkably hard to unsee. What the campaign is trying to sell as “joy” looks to be inebriation. Not falling down drunk, obviously, but certainly not sober either.

Inebriation was easy to overlook until now that it has been pointed out. What could have been confirmation bias is no longer possible to unsee. We the People have been watching (or ignoring) Dear Kamala up on the national stage for five years. We’ve been overlooking what is right in front of us—calling this stupidity and subconsciously denying alcoholism. Of course, we cannot easily believe that anyone could rise to her position without being—at the very least—sober when in public.

But then again, she didn’t exactly rise to where she is by being especially good at politics. She was carried there by others who were pushing her up the mountain, not hiking up it by herself. Since it didn’t take skill to get there, maybe even sobriety wasn’t required.

And, too, whether the addiction is alcohol or benzos, imagine what she is doing to her body. We must ask the question, ‘How much longer can she continue at this pace until there is a severe breakdown?’

Afterall, our bodies are only as good as the weakest link. This means any one or more of many pieces will begin to misfire: liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, esophagus, intestines, brain, etc., etc., etc.

It would seem odd that this has been successfully covered up for so long. But then again, Tim Walz’s drunk driving lies were covered up for decades, as have his serial lies about his military service record.

If the colluding media does not want to see it and the people who are tied to her professionally do not want to say it, this apparent problem will not be described or reported. It really could be that simple. Lots of things get swept under the rug all the time.

But we have no access to Dear Kamala’s blood alcohol level and no way to obtain proof that she has been drinking. So, for the time being all we have are suspicion and continued observation.

God speed to the Trump-Vance team.