Commentary: Humiliating Mistakes Quickly Spotted as Left Releases 2024 Platform—‘They’re Accidentally Telling the Truth’

The Left has demonstrated their candidate, Dear Kamala, is a “cut-and-paste nominee” by way of several humiliating mistakes found in their 2024 platform for the DNC.

This from

NOTE: At least five references in the platform identified Dementia Joe as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate in the document.

The lack of astute editing became the tell-all component of the forced switch from Biden to Harris.

Dear Kamala was obviously inserted when Dementia Joe hastily exited stage left, and seemingly the most junior member of Dear Kamala’s staff was forced to change and edit the document.

As is humorously apparent, this is an operation that is not ready for prime time–and We the People can expect more of the same.

The familiarly odious platform will be voted on this week during the convention.

They’re accidentally telling the truth here.

A Harris administration would simply be a second Biden term, which in fact would be rule by the deep state/administrative bureaucracy that has been running the country since Biden took office as an empty figurehead.

Another comment on X questioned whether or not Biden was actually back in the race altogether, quoting from the Left’s 2024 platform a statement that would lead voters to believe that he was.

The user asked:

Wait so is Joe Biden back in the race? ‘President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job.’ – from the final 2024 Democrat platform.

The blatant incompetency in the Democratic party’s platform emulates the incompetency the American people have been experiencing since Biden took office. It is nothing new.

What is new, however, is the inarguable confirmation by the Left, themselves, that the party’s switch to Dear Kamala:

[W]on’t offer anything different from what Biden’s already been dishing out and would have continued had he remained the presidential candidate.

It is both the exact level of competence, cunning, and secrecy We the People have come to expect from Leftists.

It’s also a promise

their reign of terror has just gotten started.

The blunder is not a good look for the DNC.

The epic mistake and lack of attention to detail just goes to show you how quickly and feverishly Biden was booted and Harris inserted.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate was obviously working against the clock in relation to their cover-up of Biden’s mental incapacity.

They were also on the ropes, given how quickly this election has been moving towards us.

Trump’s substantial lead over Biden was the final trigger.

Turning Dear Kamala “from donkey to thoroughbred” should have been allowed more time—but time was not their available commodity. As a result, the blatant incompetence has hastened the end of the honeymoon period.

Final thoughts: The crime syndicate is now caught with their pants down and a pair of candidates who are both screaming:

‘Quality Is Not Job One.’