After Dementia Joe Claims Crime Is Down, New Report Shows It Is Skyrocketing

The Obiden Regime has claimed crime has gone down in America since Dementia Joe assumed his current position. The response, however, quickly blew up in their faces.

This from

In fact, the actual data clearly denotes that in at least 66 American cities, The Regime’s claim could not be further from the truth.

Millions of Americans would certainly agree that nothing feels “safer” about life in the Biden-Harris America. And the numbers back that up in much of the country.

From Fox News:

…The independent public policy group, the Coalition for Law, Order, and Safety (CLOS), argues that according to their analysis, violent crime is up across 66 major cities.

CLOS’s January to June 2019 data for that same period in 2024 suggests there was a 9.6% increase in total violent crime, with aggravated assault up nearly 25% and murder up by 6.4%.

Since Biden resides in Washington D.C., he should know more than anybody that crime has not gone down on his watch. Indeed, crime in D.C. has gotten far worse since he assumed office.

More from Fox News:

…Washington, D.C., has not become safer compared to the first six months of Biden’s term, contrary to the Axios analysis. The number of murders has remained unchanged, while rapes have actually increased in the first half of 2024 compared to 2021, according to CLOS data.

CLOS [stated] there were 1,025 robberies reported in the first six months of 2024, up from 817 in the same period of 2021, indicating a rise in robbery rates. Although aggravated assaults have dropped from 755 to 538, this decrease is modest compared to historical levels.

Overall, though, violent crime in Washington, D.C., has slightly increased, with a total of 1,744 violent crimes reported in the first half of 2024 compared to 1,747 in 2021. This suggests that while crime has decreased from the previous year, it is still higher than during Biden’s initial six months in office.

This is sadly true of liberal cities all over the country. Just like the major cities of San Francisco and New York City, Washington D.C. is run by radical liberals who are soft on crime. These leaders are far more focused on being woke than they are on actually keeping their citizens safe. Sadly, residents of their cities are then forced to pay for that by living in areas that quickly become overridden with crime.

These numbers should serve as a grim reminder of just how important this presidential election is. If Comrade Kamala assumes the position, crime will undoubtedly become far worse. While Donald Trump will crack down on crime, Harris will ignore it in favor of enacting her own woke agenda.