The Reason Kamala Skipped Out on DNC Night 2 Reveals Even More Drama and Leftist Division

On the first night of the DNC, unhappiness permeated the Biden camp with how Dementia Joe was treated. Likewise, there was some talk of “revenge.”

This from

But despite Old Joe stating during his speech that he was not angry about being shoved to the side in terms of the candidacy, he did not stick around after he delivered his angry, slurring, lie-filled address. He was off to California for a week of vacation.

So that is what he thought of the rest of the convention, Comrade Kamala, and the “threat” of President Trump. He wasn’t sticking around to hear the Obamas on Tuesday night, and he wasn’t going to be there for Comrade Kamala on Thursday night. So much for unity.

In another interesting development, Comrade Kamala did not attend DNC Night 2—when the Obamas were there giving their addresses, although her husband, Doug Emhoff, was in attendance and spoke.

Now, there’s a report as to why, and it reveals more division.

VP Kamala Harris held an event 90 miles away from the DNC on the night the party’s two most popular figures, Barack and Michelle Obama, campaigned on her behalf—and a source familiar with DNC planning tells FOX that choice was made out of sensitivity and respect to Joe Biden.

A source familiar with the situation said:

Obamas are still not on the White House good side. It would not be helpful to their relationships.

Fox is told this plan came together to avoid the optics of Harris—still serving as Biden’s Vice President—appearing alongside one of the figures he views as responsible for driving the end of his reelection bid—at the very convention which was supposed to be his only weeks ago.

This source said:

We are in tricky territory.

No doubt, Dementia Joe sounds pretty angry. And Comrade Kamala is reportedly keeping her distance to try to assuage him and not be there for the Obamas, who are endorsing her. Is she fearful of the “revenge” if she further ticks him off in his final days occupying the office? And if she had any “sensitivity” or “respect” for Old Joe, she wouldn’t have treated him like an old newspaper on Monday night, shoving his speech back so late.

But then, if they had any ‘sensitivity’ to the American public—the people they’re supposed to be serving—they wouldn’t be throwing ‘democracy’ under the bus and acting like this to begin with. What a tangled web, but that’s the Democrats in a nutshell—angry, unhappy, identity-fixated folks concerned about control.

Both Comrade Kamala and her running mate, Tiananmen Tim, were at an event in Milwaukee on Tuesday night, something which is not generally a move one makes during a convention, so it fits the report.

Inquiring minds ask:

Who counter-programs against their own DNC event?

Comrade Kamala spoke about her “people-powered campaign”—despite not getting one primary vote from the American people for the top position.

She celebrated getting the nomination with the teleprompter and a cackle.

And what the hell are the “freedom” signs supposed to mean? Another drunken escapade? They would be more accurate if they stated “anti-freedom.”

But that is similar to claiming the signs are about “joy” when the opposite is true.

Harris also claimed that she believed “in a future where we lower the cost of living,” and she promised to “bring down the cost of groceries.”

She promises to solve all these problems.

Yet, she has been occupying office for more than three years. She was the tie-breaking vote—as Dementia Joe reminded us in his speech—for legislation that helped to drive up inflation. She was all on board with the overspending. She is in power now as well. Why isn’t she fixing it now if she knows how?

Of course, the answer is because they are all fake, she doesn’t know what she is doing, and she has bad policies. She cannot run away from the failures in which she was and is involved.