It’s No Longer Hyperbole or Hysteria to Say ‘The Left Hates America’

Check out the disgusting, hateful contents of the 2024 Democratic Party (Communist/Globalist Crime Syndicate) Platform.

This from

The platform states:

Our nation is at an inflection point. What kind of America will we be? A land of more freedom, or less freedom? More rights or fewer?

NOTE: This actually is not a bad place to begin a statement of basic principles. Doubtful, however, those of the Left think of themselves on the dark side of that “inflection point.”

[T]his election is indeed shaping up to be a choice between more freedom or less, albeit not in the way that the Democratic party [communist/globalist crime syndicate] would have you believe.

This “inflection point” statement, however, is not the first item in the Left’s “Party Platform.”

The first thing thrust in the face of a reading the of “Democratic Party Platform,” the very first thing the Left want to be knows, is that:

America is on stolen land.

In a very pointed way, the Left pronounces this about our beloved country.

The message is clear:

Go home, white colonizer!

Yes, the “Democratic National Convention Land Acknowledgement” is the first item in the 2024 platform of America’s crime syndicate.

[These] are basically statements of colonialist guilt and assertions that:

[S]ome particular parcel of land actually belongs to someone other than those who occupy it and own the deed.

This became trendy a few years ago, as our Age of Absurdity reached new heights of ridiculousness. They are as common as you’d expect on the websites of colleges and universities.

The platform’s land acknowledgment is a trifle more gingerly stated than such things usually are, but its upshot is nonetheless unmistakable.


The Democratic National Committee, [the land acknowledgment begins], wishes to acknowledge that we gather together to state our values on lands that have been stewarded through many centuries by the ancestors and descendants of Tribal Nations who have been here since time immemorial.

This is carefully worded. Instead of saying outright that the land belongs to the Tribal Nations, or was taken from them, as most land acknowledgments do, the platform says that the Democratic National Convention is taking place on lands that “have been stewarded” by the Tribal Nations.

The platform is quite specific about whose land the Chicago area really is, or at least who “stewarded” that land:

While we meet in Chicago, we also recognize and honor the traditional homelands of the Anishinaabe, also known as the Council of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi Nations.

We acknowledge the many other tribes who consider this area their traditional homeland, including the Myaamia, Ho-Chunk, Menominee, Sac and Fox, Peoria, Kaskaskia, Wea, Kickapoo, and Mascouten.

The Left remains tactfully silent about how the Ojibwe drove the Ho-Chunk out of what is now known as Wisconsin, and about other warfare between the various sainted Tribal Nations on their list.

The platform has plenty of room, however, for lavish praise of these groups:

We honor the communities native to this continent, and recognize that our country was built on Indigenous homelands.

We pay our respects to the millions of Indigenous people throughout history who have protected our lands, waters, and animals.

Conspicuously absent is any similar praise for the Founding Fathers or any of the heroic figures of American history.

From this Leftist platform, the uninformed reader would get the impression that the colonialist oppressors arrived in North America, stole the land from the Native Americans, and somehow established a Constitution that now Donald Trump wants to destroy, but which they are working very hard to save.

The platform is “as pernicious as it is ahistorical.” It perpetuates the leftist mythology that the Native American tribes were living in peaceful, harmonious bliss until the evil colonialists arrived, bringing with them European diseases as well as the chains of slavery and the shackles of injustice.

In the left’s [cheap imitation] of humanist religion, colonialism and whiteness are the original sins, and only Marxism can expiate them.

We can only imagine what would become of the remaining Native American tribes under the communism of Comrade Kamala and Tiananmen Tim.

The fact that one would be hard-pressed to find any place on earth that did not belong to someone else at one time does not stop them from filling young people with nonsense about how America is somehow a uniquely illegitimate occupying power.

The ultimate lesson the [Leftists] strive to convey with all this is not that one should vote for them. It’s that one should pick up stakes and move somewhere else, anywhere else, where the weight of colonialist guilt is not felt so heavily. And the Left has no intention of moving. The guilt they are trying to establish is to be applied to Trump and his MAGA people.

Illogical, yes? But logical thinking, of course, is not what this is about. What this is about is justifying ongoing guilt feelings that “will grease the skids for more payouts to supposedly oppressed groups.”

What the [communist/globalist platform] is doing, in the final analysis, is justifying reparations, forced redistribution, and socialism. The sainted native tribes are just props for a deeply sinister effort.

Final thought: What is happening here is apparent. The Left does not have a plan to fix anything because their plan is to bring America to its knees. Therefore, they choose to attack President Trump and the MAGA movement and everything Trump has proposed to do to go about fixing what has been destroyed by The Regime.

And, of course, the left has absolutely no sincere concern for Native Americans.