***WARNING: This Article Contains Disgusting Content Involving Mass Scale Abuse and Killing of Children***

Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.

This from survivethenews.com.

The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than previously expected and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children—including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “the devil’s work.”

According to a member of the Adrenochrome Task Force:

[T]hese factory farms are the sites of ritual sexual abuse, physical degradation, and psychological torture.

First-hand task-force witness account:

I thought I’d seen it all. I’ve been in combat for years, seen comrades fall, dealt with the worst humanity has to offer. But nothing, nothing, could prepare me for what we found in Donetsk.

We were told we’d be liberating children… I didn’t understand the scale of what that meant until we got there. We were clearing out this complex, a grim place… like a gulag or a Nazi death camp, but worse. Much worse. The walls were gray, cold, and damp. The air… it stank of decay and something nauseating… something I can’t describe. And then we found them. The children.

They were… like ghosts. Skin and bones. Their bodies, they looked so fragile, almost transparent. I could see the outlines of their ribs, every bone in their tiny hands. They had tubes coming out of them, tubes that drained their blood, their adrenal fluids… for what? For some sick trade, some twisted demand from the West.

There were hundreds of them, just lying there in these rows of metal cots. No blankets, no warmth. They didn’t even flinch when we burst in, no fear, no hope… Just emptiness in their eyes. Some were too weak to even look at us. They were so used to the pain, the torment, they didn’t even react.

And the worst part? The youngest… some of them couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. Babies, really. We found out later that they were bred for this… Raised in captivity, like livestock, just to be drained of everything that made them human.

The ones they couldn’t sell, the ones who weren’t ‘pretty’ enough or ‘obedient’ enough, were sent to these farms. Farms… as if that’s what you could call those hellholes.

The Blood Harvest Unveiled:

The world was told the Ukraine war was about politics and power struggles, but that was merely the cover. Beneath the surface, a darker war is raging, one fought in shadows. The soldiers who found the children in Donetsk have since gone silent, but some still whisper. Their stories are not for the faint-hearted.

This isn’t just war—it’s a blood harvest,

a horror far beyond what you’ve been told.

The adrenochrome farms in Ukraine were only the tip of the iceberg. Putin’s forces are finding more with each passing day. These “farms” are hidden across Eastern Europe—factories where children are tortured, drained, and discarded like livestock. The soldiers speak of facilities each more horrific than the last, each designed to extract the purest adrenochrome through unimaginable pain and fear.

The task force member who spoke out revealed the dark truth:

Ritual abuse, trauma beyond words. They carve symbols into the walls—symbols tied to ancient, occult practices. These children are bred in darkness, never knowing love, raised solely for sacrifice. The purer the fear, the stronger the yield.

And it’s not just Ukraine. Reports suggest the adrenochrome trade is global—secret compounds in South America, hidden facilities in the United States. It’s a cancer, shielded by the rich and powerful.

Celebrities, politicians, business moguls—all complicit.

Their addiction?

The blood of the innocent.

Their source?

Children whose lives are nothing

more than currency in this twisted trade.

The Kremlin now holds a blacklist of elites tied to this network, and Putin’s forces are preparing to strike. People will disappear. The news will call them accidents, suicides, sudden illnesses, but make no mistake:

[T]his is a calculated war on those

who thought themselves untouchable.

This is not just a battle for territory; it’s a war for humanity’s soul.

The veil is lifting. The storm is almost here.

Prepare yourselves. When it hits, the world will never be the same.

Click HERE for more information.