Opinion: Part of the Obama Transformation Has Been the Queering of the Left

The Party that refuses to define ‘woman’ now wants to co-opt and redefine ‘manhood’.

God help us that the communist/globalist crime syndicate’s vision of masculinity does not prevail.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Tim Walz demonstrating the Stage-Left Light-in-the-Loafers Queer-Dog strut. 

The colluding mass propaganda media are coordinating a push to hype vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and “Second Gentleman” Doug Emhoff as role models for a new and improved, non-threatening, Democrat (communist/globalist) masculinity that happily defers to feminist leadership.

Here is a sampling of print media headlines in the last couple weeks, all promoting Walz and Emhoff as pioneers on the political stage of a more evolved masculinity than that represented by GOP candidates Donald Trump and JD Vance:

Axios: Two versions of masculinity are on the 2024 ballot

MSN: Are the men of the Dem ticket helping redefine masculinity?

New York Magazine: Tim Walz, Doug Emhoff, and the Nice Men of the Left

Fast Company: How Tim Walz redefines masculinity for modern America

Time Magazine: The Doug Emhoff Model of Masculinity

Mona Charen wrote for The Bulwark:

Unlike JD Vance, Tim Walz offers a healthy masculinity [and] may be the father figure the Democratic party—and the country—needs.

The Washington Post went so far as to lead off with this headline:

Doug Emhoff is the modern woman’s dream man

Which is either hilarious or terrifying depending on what you think it says about modern women.

Doug Emhoff, the demure husband, appropriately with gay-pride flag.

In lockstep, CNN’s Dana Bash, reporting a few days ago from the DNC, stated:

[Walz and Emhoff presented a counter-model to] the testosterone-laden, you know, gun-totin’ kind of guy at last month’s Republican National Convention.

Bash argued:

The two Democrat men gave off the vibe ‘that it’s okay in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own skin’ [i.e., playing second fiddle to a woman in a position of power].

Similarly, after Walz’s speech at the DNC, MSNBC’s resident race-monger Joy Reid gushed:

[W]hat’s really been fascinating is to watch the men of the Democratic Party model a kind of masculinity that is simply 21st century masculinity.

So, WTF is 21st century masculinity?

It’s being sold as a refreshing, more civilized upgrade from that outdated, sexist, patriarchal, pre-21st century masculinity, which was about men serving as protectors, providers, and civilization-builders and -defenders.

This new and improved, Democrat masculinity is all about successful men deferring to successful women. Left-wing pastor John Pavlovitch praised it as “the rise of non-toxic masculinity.”

On last Thursday’s The Megyn Kelly Show, the hostess and Tucker Carlson discussed this phenomenon.

Tucker stated:

They’ve spent 50 years trying to convince us that masculinity is dangerous and so we live in a world with very little of it.

And society has become much more violent, and much more unhappy, and much more chaotic.

Kelly stated about Tim “America’s Dad” Walz:

This guy cheated on his first wife by banging the nanny, impregnating her, and there was either an abortion or an abandoned child and they actually want us to swallow him as our dad. Why are they looking at these men as their new daddy figures?

Ross Douthat observed in The New York Times (“Masculinity is on the Ballot”) that progressives—champions of the likes of Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer and Harvey Weinstein:

[Should think twice about promoting] the special personal virtues of the male feminist.

He also warned:

[The] cool progressive dad [model of parenting is] rooted in a misguided belief that kids are supposed to be more enlightened than their parents, that a good dad just listens and learns from his wise progressive teenager.

He concluded:

This is a good way to set your kids adrift.

If you look at the data on the teenage mental-health crisis of the past decade, the indicators are conspicuously worse for liberal kids, who are seemingly more anxious and depressed than their conservative peers.

And quite the contrary to radical liberal protestations, the conservative masculine ideal is not a turnoff to female voters—only to feminist voters.

NOTE: The term ‘feminist’ used to mean: A supporter of equal rights for women or equality of women before the law.

But those aims were achieved decades ago. What the term ‘feminist’ now means:

The radical Left activist whose most cherished sacrament is the right to murder her own unborn child, and whose vision for the future is an emasculated civilization led by careerist girlbosses. Remember Hillary Clinton’s slogan, ‘The future is female’? That’s not equality—that’s male replacement misandry.

In a nutshell, Walz’s “virtues” are demeaning to men and women alike.

He was Governor, recall, behind a bill requiring tampons be made available to ‘all menstruating students’ in school bathrooms—as if boys can menstruate.

This Leftist push of “21st century masculinity” includes the fallacy:

[T]hat men can be women and should be allowed to utterly dominate women’s sports and infiltrate women’s private spaces like gym locker rooms.

The Left cannot begin to defend this as manly. Rather, this is a definition of misogynistic and pernicious.

Final thoughts: Either Obama chose Tim Walz in part because Walz is queer—like him—or the crime syndicate of pederasts (Read: those who still try to pass themselves off as democrats) did not realize Walz is as queer as he really is until they had already announced his selection. Once they realized they were stuck with him they devised this “21st century masculinity” bulls**t as their cover.