More PROOF “The Pause” and “The Dash” Are Real…and Why They Were Needed

The Pause…

The Dash…

This article is long. So, read any of it or read all of it, watch some or all of the videos, and be prepared to be put at ease. President Trump is in control. We should have few, if any, worries.

As the meme of President Trump fully surrounded by guns pointed at him and seemingly subdued with the caption of him saying, ‘Hold my beer,’ denotes, this is all a show for We the People—and our numbers are growing by the day. Soon, very soon, we will see the SHTF.

This from

All hidden in plain sight.

Do you know what ‘The Pause’ and ‘The Dash’ mean?

Buckle up, this is a wild story starting with President Trump’s motorcade.

Take a moment to watch President Trump’s motorcade and then ask yourself if you’ve EVER seen a “former President” travel with this level of protection:

That looks like a Commander In-Chief’s motorcade, yes?

Here’s another look, absolutely beautiful heading through the mountains:

Many of We the People think this STILL looks Presidential:

Joe Biden has never travelled with a motorcade anywhere near this level.

Then from recently, President Trump is performing the traditional role of the Commander In-Chief at Arlington National Ceremony and still not a valid explanation for how this happens (other than the obvious conclusion We the People may draw from this article):

Derek Johnson Explains EXACTLY Why President Trump Conducted The Wreath Ceremony Yesterday

Now, to Derek Johnson who posted this explaining “The Dash”:

This is why the DASH Matters.

President Trump signed Executive Order 13848 with National Emergency on September 12, 2018, TWO months before ANY Election under his visual first term.

[The Regime] has continued this EO with National Emergency for 3 years in a row… NOT because of indicting President Trump.

A National Emergency has a 2 year automatic termination clause on it. All [The Regime] had to do was let it expire if Trump were not President.

Continued = Enforced.

Even though it’s part of the Occupation and Operation, many have no clue about the DASH between 45 – 47, as this was ALL planned and a strategic operation, some normies need to hear it in their form to comprehend.

So, let’s pretend I don’t know what I know via ALL the Military and Federal Laws and Orders invoked and in-action (enforced)… and also pretend President Trump didn’t tell the whole world over and over and over again and still does:

We have it all. We’ve caught them all.

And in speeches this past weekend:

We don’t need votes. We have those. We are focused on their cheating.

And Fox News along with National Guard dot Mil official sites have shown the National Guard observing real data with analog systems (not digital aka hackable) in 2020 and 2022…

Which in Layman terms means… “WE HAVE IT ALL, WE’VE CAUGHT THEM ALL”… because that Data does not lie.

And who just addressed the National Guard?

Also, the Supreme Court ruled the President has Immunity… that this is another form of Election Interference PLUS against the Federal Law by indicting President Trump?

President Trump’s speeches:

You know… we won the documents case. He didn’t (‘Biden’). I have the Presidential Records Act. He didn’t.

The Presidential Records Act protects the Vice President and the President for holding certain documents. The case isn’t about ‘Biden’ when he was Vice President.

If ‘Biden’ were real and really President, it makes ZERO sense why he would continue an Executive Order with National Emergency by President Trump when the Codification aka the Law says a N.E. expires in 2 years if not revised or continued.


Click HERE to see original article for more.


THIS ‘indictment’ is the GRAND FINALE setup! Because if it were all real and true time… and if the Democrats and Liberals truly had power… they would invoke the 25th on President Trump forever barring him from re-election.


Click HERE to see original article for more.


Why is President Trump still tooling around in a Golf Cart that proudly and prominently has the U.S. Presidential Seal displayed on it?

Even “Former Presidents” are generally not allowed to use the Presidential Seal.


Click HERE to see original article for more.


Here’s the full video if you’d like to watch for yourself:

And here’s a screenshot clearly showing the Presidential Seal:

Continuity of Government?


Has Derek Johnson been right all along?

It’s not the first time President Trump has been spotted PROMINENTLY using the Seal:

During a MAGA Rally yesterday in Iowa, President Trump held up his folio/binder and eagle-eyes on Twitter noticed it had the Presidential Seal and said PRESIDENT in the bottom right.

Take a look, it’s in this short clip here:

A zoom in:

Closer up:

And one more:

Closer up:

So, it appears clear that this actually happened.


Click HERE to see original article for more.


You don’t talk like this unless you know you already “have it all”.


President Trump: “…In My Second Term, Which Is Sort Of Happening Now…”


Click HERE to see original article for more.


Watch this latest clip right here which is just stunning:


And in my second term… which is sort of happening now, but I don’t want the results, right? I don’t want the results of this second term. This second term is a disaster for this Country.

War is ugly. And we’re in it. We’ve been in it. It’s declared in 50 US Code §1550. Has not been terminated.

The Federal Continuity Directives, 2017 National Security Strategy, and the other issues under the FCDs address disasters. They’re for: before, during, and after a catastrophic event.

This is an EPIC Comm. And still separates him as CIC versus President. They’re separate.

Thank you 2016 Supreme Court for the Military Justice Act of 2016, written in May, for clarifying they’re separate, passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (Defense Budget for ALL Armed Forces) on December 23, 2016. Merry Christmas radicals🤭

Boy, did that backfire for the swamp.🔥

It’s right in front of ya.🇺🇸

President Trump: “…In Less Than 5 Months, We’re Going To Defeat Biden…”


Click HERE to see original article for more.


Here’s the latest from South Carolina:

5 months huh?


Click HERE to see original article for more.


President Trump On Timing: “I don’t know that it takes another year, you wanna know the truth”


Click HERE to see original article for more.


Watch this!

It’s not just a slip of the tongue either.

President Trump: “We’re Going To Take Back The White House…Sooner Than You Think!!


Click HERE to see original article for more.


The Greatest Show On Earth?


Click HERE to see original article for more.



President Trump:

Sooner than you think.

We’re gonna take back the Senate, take back the House, we’re gonna take back the White House – and sooner than you think. It’s going to be really something special…


Click HERE to see original article for more.



Click HERE to see original article for more.


Then we go here:

From this point forward.

We will not announce when we will attack.

But attack we will.

This is a wartime president who was attacked personally from every angle.

As our country was also attacked.

Watch the clips in this thread.

I believe it makes he reference to the ‘pause’ impossible to deny.

Patriots are in control.

Full clip:

Then he explains “the pause”…

This is one of the most compelling clips.

He’s telling We the People point blank.

Let it simmer for a while and let people see what Radical Left Democrats will do to our country!

It was all planned and had to go this way?

Sure sounds like it:

This next one builds on the exact same topic.

He confirms it again:  it was a planned “pause”.

It had to be this way:


He told us so many times.

We just couldn’t comprehend how yuge the operation was and therefore what the timeline would be.

As Trump is calling g it. “2024 is our final battle”

NCSWIC. Nothing.


And from Trump’s attorney John Lauro, he confirms many of the same details:

This has been a nerve-racking time for We the People but after we reach the end of this journey and have the opportunity to look back, we will see that this has been a beautiful time to have been living as Americans in America.

God speed to President Trump and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.