The Left Is Fighting Republicans’ Efforts to Stop Illegal Aliens from Voting

While the Trump campaign, Republican National Committee, Republican governors, and Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill work to keep illegal immigrants and non-citizens from voting in U.S. elections, the Left is fighting against their efforts and threatening to shut down the government over voter integrity legislation.

This from

The Hill reported:

A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30.

But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting—laying the groundwork for a clash with the [Leftist]-led Senate, which would likely reject such a package.

The question is, why?

Meanwhile, in Virginia and Texas thousands of illegal immigrants and non-citizens have been removed from voter rolls.

The SAVE Act passed the House in a mostly partisan vote earlier this summer, with five from the Left bucking their party to back the bill.

Advocates of pushing the SAVE Act say:

[T]he legislation would ensure only citizens can vote in federal elections, partly by making it mandatory for states to obtain proof of citizenship to register voters and also requiring states to purge noncitizens from voter rolls.

However, most on the Left have pushed back strongly against the measure. They have vowed to veto it when the House considered it last month, noting “it is already a crime for noncitizens to vote in federal elections.”

The Regime argued the bill would:

[M]ake it more difficult for eligible voters to register and increase the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), the sponsor of the bill, said:

We’re talking about a simple concept that only citizens should vote, in a world in which [the Left has] opened up our country to noncitizens.