Sixteen States File Lawsuit Against The Regime on Pathway to Citizenship

Sixteen Republican-led states have teamed up to file a major lawsuit against the Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala Regime. They are suing over The Regime’s plan to give 1.3 million illegal immigrants what many are describing as “immediate executive amnesty.”

This from

Throughout the nearly four past years, The Regime has repeatedly shown they prioritize illegal aliens over American citizens. Now, these sixteen states have finally decided to fight back.

The lawsuit, which was filed on Friday, hits back against The Regime’s new parole-in-place program. According to the lawsuit, this plan “effectively provides a new pathway to citizenship for more than a million illegal aliens.”

From Daily Wire:

The lawsuit states, ‘Longstanding federal law prohibits aliens who entered the United States unlawfully from obtaining most immigration benefits.’

[The Regime] would allow some illegal aliens to stay in the United States while requesting parole status.

This includes obtaining lawful permanent resident status—without first leaving the United States and waiting outside the United States for the requisite time—based on an approved family-based or employment-based visa petition.

The Regime has claimed that only around 550,000 illegal immigrants would be eligible for the parole-in-place amnesty. However, the lawsuit alleges there is good reason to believe this is “a significant underestimate.” The sixteen states argue the actual number could be roughly 1.3 million.

If there’s one thing The Regime has shown over the past four years, it’s that nothing they say can be trusted. This is particularly true when it comes to illegal immigration. After all, it wasn’t so long ago that Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala were literally flying illegal immigrants across the border through an asylum program, then not counting them as crossovers.

The sixteen states that have joined forces on this lawsuit are Texas, Idaho, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wyoming.

The border crisis has become worse than ever under The Obiden Regime. Since Old Joe assumed his current position, millions of illegal aliens have flooded our borders from all over the world.

Perhaps the only thing more terrifying than another four years of The Obama-Led Regime being in power is Comrade Kamala as the figure head. One of the few tasks she was specifically given was to be the “border czar,” and to clean up the situation at the border. Yes, she traveled to Central America to observe the “root causes” of this crisis, but she allowed the situation to become worse.

Years later, the border crisis has continued to escalate, with Comrade Kamala doing virtually nothing to turn the situation around. In fact, if anything, she has made it worse by continuing to send the message to the world that it is easier than ever to get into the U.S. illegally.

God speed to these sixteen states with their lawsuit.