Communist Pope Francis Implied Accepting Immigrants of Different Cultures Is More Important Than Saving Christianity

Pope Francis—doing his best Mahatma Gandhi imitation—has demanded Christianity, and Europe with it, commit suicide to accommodate the mobs of invading moslem migrants who are descending upon Europe with the obvious intent of destroying European and Christian culture and civilization, and supplanting both with Islam and Sharia law.

This from

What a difference a thousand years make. In response to the moslem expansion in the middle ages there were a series of eight Crusades with the objective of stopping the expansion of the moslem states and to reclaim for Christianity the Holy Land. Constantinople (Istanbul) eventually fell to Islam in 1453.

There were twenty-six popes who led Christendom throughout the period of the Catholic Church defending itself against the armies of Islam. The first was Pope Urban II (1088-1099) and the most recent was Pope Gregory X (1271-1276). Some were more militaristic than others and Pope Francis is obviously not one given to defending Christians and Christianity.

NOTE: Pope Francis on Wednesday strongly decried the treatment of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to enter Europe, having said:

[I]t is a grave sin not to offer aid to migrant vessels.

The technical difference being these are not migrants as much as they are invaders, bringing with them a religion and way of life that are not compatible with European culture.

The pontiff said during his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square:

There are those who work systematically and with every means to reject migrants.

And this, when done with conscience and responsibility, is a grave sin.

Pope Francis on Wednesday called for expanding access routes for migrants:

[And a] global governance of migration based on justice, brotherhood, and solidarity.

The Pope said the issue would not be resolved through the “militarization of borders.”

The Vatican ‘militarizes’ its own borders. You can’t just walk in on Pope Francis shaving. But Pope Francis argues that millions of moslem invaders should be able to walk into Europe and take it over.

Defending against them is a “grave sin,” the Pope claims. However, many faithful Catholics—and Protestants alike—beg to differ with that socio-cultural-economic suicidal rationale.

If the choice is between grave sin and national and civilizational suicide, that’s a tough but inevitable choice that everyone is being asked to make.

Liberal Christian and Jewish leaders insist on surrender. Liberal political leaders demand open borders. All of that [eventually] will eliminate their own movements, countries, and cultures.

Suicide or survival—the two ‘S’s’—is the fundamental choice facing Europe and all of human civilization.

Final thought: If any of the second-tier leadership within Catholicism wishes for Christianity to survive this next one hundred or perhaps two hundred years, now is the time to seriously consider a replacement pope with more of the mindset of an Urban II or a Gregory X.