To Those on the Left—What Are You Voting For?

We avoid certain topics and even limit our contact with Leftists, but we all have friends (acquaintances), colleagues, and loved (unloved) ones who are lifelong democrat (communist/globalist) voters.

This from

This article is for those people, but more importantly it is to assist us conservatives in engaging them in the Socratic method of dialogue—posing thought-provoking questions. Because confronting Leftists’ deep-seated beliefs head-on only serves to push them deeper into their comfort zone. However, the Socratic method encourages the exploration of thoughts and beliefs, and may assist change.

When you ask [d]emocrats (or others) who support Vice President Kamala Harris why they intend to vote for her, a significant number will give some version of, ‘Because Trump …’

They may believe the propaganda that he’s ‘a threat to democracy,’ or that he’s ‘going to start World War III,’ or that he’ll ‘throw his political opponents in jail.’

Some will simply say they just don’t like him.

But none of the above comprises a sound, meaningful response. And equally inappropriate is:

[T]o parrot platitudes like ‘I’m voting for joy’ or ‘hope’ or ‘progress,’ whatever that means.

NOTE: A platform of the Comrade Kamala-Tiananmen Tim regime was absent from the DNC earlier this month. As journalist Camilla Long explained in a not-so-kind piece for the New York Post:

[T]he convention was both a surreal swoonfest of Kamalove and a hotbed of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Also, the mass propaganda media is in on the obfuscation. Comrade Kamala has refused to give interviews or press conferences and the colluding corrupt press cover for her.

The radio silence is a feature, not a bug. Because, in fact, [The Comrade] actually has a track record of supporting specific policies. The problem is most Americans don’t agree with them.

And because her own voters do not know what her policies are—except for the legalization of abortion on demand up until birth—the following questions are for the determined yellow dog democrat voters from throughout the United States.

Ask these hardcore democrat voters, Do you support:

– [F]reedom of speech? The Biden/Harris administration pressured media companies to censor truthful information about COVID-19, and the point person for that effort — Rob Flaherty — is now Harris’ deputy campaign manager. That bodes well.

– The integrity of the democratic process? Harris was installed as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, not selected by voters. And the DNC tried to destroy Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s independent candidacy by burying him in lawsuits. Kennedy—penultimate Democratic Party royalty if there ever was any—left the party and endorsed former President Donald Trump. So has former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

– A fair and impartial justice system? The Biden/Harris administration has weaponized the Justice Department to go after Democrats’ political opponents, try them, convict them and throw them in prison—including but not limited to Trump.

– A secure border, safe cities, lower crime, and adequate care and support for our veterans? As ‘border czar,’ Harris presided over this administration’s open borders policy that has allowed 10 [-plus] million illegal aliens into the country. Americans have been victimized by crimes and drug trafficking. Tens of billions of dollars have been diverted to benefits for people here illegally that could have been spent on America’s poor, our homeless, and better care for our veterans. And Harris promoted a fund to post bail for criminals arrested for riots and arson during the widespread violence in 2020.

– A strong middle class and a robust entrepreneurial economy? Biden and Harris stifled America’s energy production on Day One of their administration, sending oil prices skyrocketing and creating record levels of inflation. Now, Harris is pushing for massive tax increases that will penalize investment, crush small business and send the prices of consumer goods even higher.

– Stable foreign policy, an end to American involvement in foreign wars and profligate spending of American taxpayer dollars in other nations? The departure from Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster. War has broken out in eastern Europe and the Middle East under the Biden/Harris administration. Israel was brutally attacked. One hundred seventy-five billion dollars from U.S. taxpayers has been sent or promised to Ukraine.

– All of the above to be continued for four more years? Because if you vote for Harris, this is what you are voting for.

God speed to Conservatism and the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.