What Will Become of the Millions of Illegal Aliens When the Checks Stop?

The communists/globalists have opened the border to flood the country with illegal aliens to aid the survival of their political crime syndicate. They give free healthcare and more money than We the People get from Social Security to ensure their illegal vote.

So, what’s the plan for after the election?

This from armstrongeconomics.com.

Kamala Border Policy

At some point the checks will stop, and because these illegal aliens have no skilled labor to offer, will they then go on a rampage and start robbing American citizens?

Mexicans generally have good family values and are typically hard workers. However, the people flooding into the country are only passing through Mexico. They do not necessarily share the family values or the work ethic of Mexicans.

Q: What happens when the checks and free healthcare end after the election?

A: If Comrade Kamala wins, our socio-economic-cultural demise will be quick.

Only a Trump-Vance victory and twelve years of correction will save our beloved country.

Columbus Expedition

We are all immigrants unless you are a native American—called Indian because Christopher Columbus thought he had bumped into India, which had been his goal. For most of us, our ancestors came from Europ—all seeking a land of opportunity when there were no handouts, welfare, or free healthcare to entice them to migrate. They came here to work, and most came to be able to own land—in Britain, you could only lease the land—not own it.

In New Jersey, there is even a township named “Freehold,” which dates back to that initial period of time when the land in America could be bought and handed down. New Jersey’s name of its county legislative body, “Boards of Chosen Freeholders,” was rather unique in the United States. The origin of the name traces back to a law passed by the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey on February 28, 1713/14. Valens 1.5 Siliqua Head Left

An opportunity to learn from history:

In 376AD, the Huns swept across much of the northern regions of central Europe, forcing the Germanic Goths to apply to Roman Emperor Valens (364-378AD) for relief by allowing them to cross the Danube and settle peacefully within Roman territory. Valens, believed the Goths might provide at least a buffer against the Huns, and agreed to the petition, and the Goths began a mass migration. Hindsight, Valens’ buffer against the invasion of the Huns presented economic challenges he had not taken into consideration.

In 2020s America, the Left is demonstrating their failure to have learned from history by making the same mistakes. They have even enlisted these foreigners—as did the Romans—into the military in return for citizenship. Undoubtedly, the communists/globalists are inviting a similar disaster to that which followed the fateful decision of Emperor Valens.

NOTE: The Euro-Asian migration of the fourth century came during a downward cycle in agriculture that accelerated a serious food shortage. What we do know is that the Huns were driven to invade Europe due to a major drought in Asia. The combined assessment of the archaeological, historical, and environmental evidence all confirms that the Hunnic invasion was driven by climate change that disrupted the economic organization of Asia and eventually engulfed Rome as well.

Many Romans looked down on the Goths because they could not speak the language and were of a different culture, and thus, few could easily blend into society for employment. However, agricultural production also went through hard times due to droughts. Overall, Romans saw these migrants from the north as uncivilized and irrational—akin to just animals. We have this same deadly combination of a decline in agriculture in part intentionally initiated by the climate change zealots, and a NATURAL DISASTER that reduces our food supply will set in motion similar economic impacts that unfolded following the decision of Valens.

The migration of the Goths into the Roman Empire had a profound impact. Even our word today for “god” was derived from barbarians, not Romans. A Proto-Germanic version of “gudą” is derived from the Goths’ Germanic language, “guþ.” So, the next time you pray to “God,” remember that it was a barbarian word—not Roman- which was “Deus”—the Latin word for “god” or “deity.” And eventually the barbarians became so numerous and powerful, they began to install their own puppet emperors. The Roman Empire disintegrated and in Europe it came to an end.

Today, enticing people with free everything to vote democrat is going to be our downfall. This foolhardy decision to flood the country with undesirables, hoping they will vote democrat and thereby save the party will sadly result in the collapse of the United States.

Further, spending money on this endeavor and taking that which is intended to help American citizens is bankrupting Medicare and will impact Social Security. We must expect that when the checks stop, these people will turn to violence—much more so than We the People have already witnessed. Illegals randomly killing American citizens will become less random and more frequent.