Disabled Navy Vet Called “Bubble Pirate” Ticketed by California Officials for “Fluid Littering”

Over the past few decades, California has been completely taken over by radical liberal nutjobs who are ridiculously incompetent when it comes to running a hamburger stand, let alone an entire state.

Instead of actually fixing the problems plaguing California, which include rampant crime and homelessness, the Leftists in charge of the state choose to focus their energies on one foolishly woke task after another.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

This misdirection was demonstrated once again when a disabled Navy veteran who is known as the “Bubble Pirate” was ticketed by California officials. He was issued a citation for “fluid littering.”

Sandy Snakenberg, 63, has been known as the “Bubble Pirate” for the last ten years. He loves dressing up as a pirate and putting on creative bubble performances to entertain local communities.

Snakenberg describes himself as a “bubble-ologist.” He lives out of his van, where he stores everything that he uses for his bubble performances.

He lamented to KSWB-TV:

I was just enjoying blowing the simple bubbles that you blow and people walking by were enjoying them. I got kind of hooked sharing the joy of it.

Sadly, Snakenberg found himself being targeted by the San Diego Parks and Recreation Department.

From The Blaze:

Last week, Snakenberg was performing his usual ‘Bubble Pirate’ show at La Jolla Cove in San Diego, California.

A ranger with the San Diego Parks and Recreation Department issued Snakenberg a ticket for ‘littering prohibited fluids’ on the park grounds. The Bubble Pirate allegedly asked the park ranger to note on the ticket that the liquid in question was from bubbles, but the officer did not oblige.

The bubbles Snakenberg uses for his performances are made up of water and soap. Both substances seem harmless enough to have them in outdoor public spaces, yes? Clearly, however, the San Diego Parks and Recreation Department does not agree.

With all the problems currently facing California,

THIS is what officials are focused on

cracking down on right now!?!

Despite the ticket, Snakenberg has no intention of backing down.

More from The Blaze:

He told KSWB-TV, ‘It’s not just my livelihood, it’s something that is actually part of the community now.’

The Bubble Pirate declared, ‘I’m not going to quit because I’m not doing any harm. If I was doing something wrong, I wouldn’t be doing it. But I will be coming back against the rangers’ advice.’

Watching a disabled veteran who made major sacrifices for this country being treated so poorly in his community is a sad sight. Obviously, being the “Bubble Pirate” is something that brings Snakenberg great joy, and it also entertains those in his local area. This man is not hurting anyone with his bubble performances, so local officials should think twice about screwing with him, yes?

In the end, We the People can see why Californians are leaving the state of malfeasance in droves. The radical liberals in charge of the state would rather go after the “Bubble Pirate” than actually tackle the real issues that California is facing. This is sad and pathetic.