Florida Attorney General Sues Biden-Harris Regime Over Release of Criminal Illegal Aliens into U.S. Communities

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against The Regime, demanding accountability for its failure to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

The request, which was originally submitted by the Attorney General’s office back in March, seeks documentation regarding The Regime’s policies that allow dangerous criminals to be released into U.S. communities straight out of prison.

Attorney General Moody expressed her frustration with The Regime, having stated:

In addition to flat out refusing to secure the border, reports indicate [Dementia Joe and failed Border Czar Comrade Kamala] refuse to deport dangerous illegal immigrant prisoners once they are released from prison…


This [Regime] has made it clear they will not turn over documents showing this dangerous and unlawful scheme in a timely manner. Now, American cities are suffering in a very public way. I will not stand idly by and allow this dereliction of duty, that is why I filed suit today.

In the original FOIA request, Moody asserted:

[T]he Biden [Regime] is fully aware of prisoners crossing into the U.S. through the open border and is actively releasing criminal illegal aliens into the country’s interior.

The Attorney General even pointed out the disturbing reality facing Americans, referencing a recent incident where armed gang members overran an apartment complex in Colorado, using it as a base for illicit activities.

Recently, Americans watched in horror as they witnessed the consequences of this Biden-Harris policy, as well as other open borders policies when armed gang members took over an apartment complex in Colorado and used it as a base for criminal activity. That incident represents merely one example of the destruction and chaos wrought by this Administration’s policy choices.

After receiving no response from The Regime, Attorney General Moody escalated the situation by filing a complaint for injunctive relief in federal district court. The complaint emphasizes the historical precedent that illegal aliens convicted of crimes in the U.S. would typically be deported upon completing their sentences.

The complaint states:

Historically, when illegal aliens were brought to the U.S. to be prosecuted for their crimes, it was well understood that the aliens would be deported once they have served their sentence.

That was until the Biden-Harris Administration implemented their shockingly irresponsible immigration policy, pushing unknown numbers of dangerous criminals straight from federal prison into our communities and causing chaos, anarchy, and crime.

By failing to provide documentation regarding the destructive policies, The Regime is obstructing public access to information in a blatant attempt to hide the truth from the American people, further eroding trust in the government. This lack of accountability and transparency has become a hallmark of The Regime.

Additionally, The Regime’s disregard for public safety by releasing hostile invaders into society is completely unacceptable.

Attorney General Moody’s actions represent a crucial stand against the chaos imposed by The Obiden-Harris Regime.