Following Trump’s Win, Expect the Absolute Worst Reactionary Revolt in U.S. History

Barring the biggest election steal ever perpetrated, Donald J. Trump should win by a landslide this coming November.

His robust platform for fixing America is currently the only chance this nation has to avoid absolute chaos, collapse, and a complete communist takeover by the Left.

This from

Yet, one thing is for certain—there will be NO peaceful transition of power. Typically, “lame duck” sessions amount to nothing accomplished and hijinks partaken by the exiting administration—for example, the Clinton’s are remembered for stealing select pieces of furniture out of the White House and the W’s from the office keyboards.

[Also,] lawmakers have used special meetings during the lame duck session to deal with war-related matters, key trade deals, negotiating government budget allocations, and the impeachment of government officials (while they still have the chance). Last minute negotiations like these can end with massive government shutdowns, like what happened over Trump’s border wall in 2018.

We the People could make a strong argument that Dementia Joe’s entire time in office has been a lame duck session, besides printing trillions of dollars, instigating World War III, and keeping the U.S. southern border wide open.

Instead of the typical 60-day lame duck session, it’s been more of a 4-year lame duck session, and expect four more years of the same, should Kommie Kamala [assume the position].

Talk about a lame duck, according to the Republican National Committee, Dementia Joe has spent more than a year’s worth of days (382) on vacations. That’s 40 percent of his presidency as a lame duck accomplishing absolutely nothing while America burns to the ground under his thumb. Thanks Joe.

Leftists are infamous for calling Trump fans extremists, but wait until Trump wins in November, and watch the extreme lawlessness of the Left unfold. Do you remember the Antifa and BLM riots as having been bad? Well, odds are We the People haven’t seen the half of it.

Multiply those by a thousand and spread them beyond just the already lawless Leftist-run metropolitan cities of America, and [we’ll have] mass-media gas-lit chaos in the suburbs and the countryside. Homes and businesses will get destroyed. People’s lives will get decimated. The fake news industrial complex will fuel this, hoping it somehow keeps the communists in power.

Accomplishing nothing during the upcoming lame duck session will prove to be worse than any other lame duck session ever:

– [T]he profuse “bleeding” of the economy and proxy wars overseas will continue, and

– [M]illions more illegal immigrants, criminals, mental cases, and terrorists will flood into America, especially knowing that Trump will seal the border wound as quickly as possible.

Communism in America is no joke. These evil dictators will not sit on their hands for three months. We can expect at the least:

– They will be conspiring to illegally maintain power by any means, including purposely starting World War III, and most likely trying to assassinate Trump, Vance, and RFK Jr., and

– Obama, with the help of multi-billionaire George Soros (and his son), will fund mayhem and upheaval across America when Trump wins, and

– [T]he most violent protesting ever seen in America. This will make January 6th look like a company picnic.

Election denialism will run rampant across the nation for everyone on the Left who thought Comrade Kamala had even the slightest chance of winning 80 to 90 million votes, when she’ll be lucky to win 20 million.

Get ready to hear ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ on all the fake news platforms a million times again.

It may be the only headline the dolts at MSM can think up.

Checkout for news updates and advice about surviving and thriving past November 5th.