Former Top California Democrat Leaves Her Party, Joins the GOP Before Election

Ever since the Leftist establishment anointed Comrade Kamala as Dementia Joe’s replacement in this year’s presidential election without giving their voters any say in the matter, they have tried to make the public believe their party is more united than ever.

However, We the People are being given a full view of how splintered the communist/globalist crime syndicate has actually become.

This from

A former California democrat (communist/globalist) state Senate leader sent shockwaves through her party this week when she abandoned them and defected to the GOP. Former California State Senate Democratic Majority Leader Gloria Romero dropped this bomb on democrats during a press conference in which she was joined by some leading Republican legislators.

Romero explained that when she was growing up, her heroes in life were such legendary democrats as Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy. These days, however, the democrat party (communist/globalist crime syndicate) looks quite different than it did back in the times of those leaders. That’s why Romero declared “today I say goodbye. Adios! I’ve had enough.”

From The Washington Examiner, Romero said:

This is not the Democratic Party that I once championed.

I do not recognize it anymore, and I cannot continue. I changed my voting registration today as the sun was rising to Republican, which has, under Donald Trump, become the champion of working people … and indeed, I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.

For her reasoning, Romero accused the democrats of stifling democracy, going so far as to compare them to Latin American dictators.

She said:

[T]he party rigs primaries against candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and executed a “political coup” against President Joe Biden.

Not stopping there, Romero accused the modern democrat party (communist/globalist crime syndicate) of going way too far when it comes to abortion. She cited immigration, crime, and rising costs of living in Democrat-run cities as other reasons why she has had enough of this party.

We the People hope and pray this is just the beginning of more Leftist voters seeing the light when it comes to the failings of their own party. Indeed, the democrat elite have taken their nonsense way too far, and it’s time for them to pay for it.

For starters, Romero is spot on when it comes to accusing democrats of “stifling democracy:”

– Democrats have spent years accusing Donald Trump and his supporters of being threats to democracy,

– In installing Harris as Biden’s replacement without giving their own voters any say, however, Democrats showed that they are the party that is actually usurping democracy,

– Democrats have indeed taken their abortion stance way too far. When it comes to pro-abortion views, nothing is too radical for the modern Democratic Party,

– Democrat-run cities like San Francisco, New York, and Washington D.C. have also descended into chaos [as a result of] radically liberal policies. Crime continues to increase in these cities alongside the cost of living, making them hellholes to live in,

– Democrats prioritize criminals above their law-abiding citizens, which only adds to the messes in their cities,

– As for immigration, Democrats have made our borders more open than ever, effectively allowing millions of illegal aliens to flood into this country, and

– Democrats have shown time and time again that they care more about illegal immigrants than they do about actual Americans.

In the end, We the People are being reasonable to believe there are many other democrat voters who have become just as disillusioned with their party as Romero has. Here’s hoping and praying these voters will show up to support Trump over Comrade Kamala come November.