Elon Connects the Dots in Left’s Election Fraud Plot, and He’s 100% Spot-On…

If you claim you want to save “precious democracy,” shouldn’t securing elections be the number one priority?

This from revolver.news.

Because without secure elections, there is no “precious democracy” to even save, right?

This should be the question every media hack grills the Leftists on, over and over again—but they never will. Why? Because they are a weaponized arm of the communist/globalist crime syndicate, here to do their bidding.

The truth is, nobody in this country works harder to turn our elections into a chaotic free-for-all than the Democrats. They don’t even want basic security measures like photo ID. They fight tooth-and-nail against it.

As a matter of fact, they work to make sure illegals get what they need to actually vote.

Meanwhile, nearly every American and their brother has an ID, so why are Leftists so dead-set against a simple step that would make our elections more secure? The answer is obvious: they want illegals and other left-wing foreigners on visas to feel free to vote without the hassle of proving who they are. You need an ID to get a membership at a tanning salon, but not to pick the next leader of the free world. Makes sense, right?

Glenn Beck has also found proof that illegals are voting in our elections.

Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention can see what’s going on, but when Elon connected the dots on the Leftists’ overall “election fraud” plot, it was worth talking about—especially since 2020 is still a gaping wound for many and 2024 is just around the corner.

Elon’s take on election fraud is spot-on, and he ties together two key elements:

– no voter ID, and

– mail-in ballots.

As Elon points out, when these two factors are in play at the same time, it becomes nearly impossible to prove fraud. That’s where all the so-called “mystery” around 2020 comes in.

In reality, there was no mystery—it was painfully obvious what happened. But proving it? That’s a whole different story. And that’s the key: burying the evidence under a mountain of uncertainty. This is the post that Elon was commenting on: a list of countries that require voter ID to vote. The House Judiciary Committee’s question is, why don’t the Left want it?

Here’s a closeup of the image:


It’s official; Elon has seen the light.

So, how do we fight back against this massive cheating machine?

Well, we certainly don’t throw our hands in the air and give up. We need to be diligent, anticipate the tricks the [Left] will pull, and counter their efforts. We also need to be willing to get down in the mud a lot more than we currently do.

The [Left] plays dirty, and we can’t win a fight against them by taking the so-called ‘high road.’

And most importantly, we need to show up in droves for President Trump. If we don’t, whatever happens next will be on us.

Meanwhile, President Trump has his part to play, too. He needs to connect with voters—especially white men—and lock in the win over the next couple months.


In the final weeks of his final campaign, Trump should look for opportunities to create human moments. While Kamala lurches from one awkardly scripted event to another, Trump should show off how he is the unmatched master of spontaneous, unscripted interactions with the masses. Trump’s ability to connect with voters on a human level is something that cannot be scripted and is one of the key reasons that Trump is perhaps the one politician in the country who isn’t simply interchangeable with anyone else—even someone who has similar views on policy.

Imagine Trump doing a walkthrough of an American supermarket, chatting with staff, marveling at the price hikes caused by [The Regime’s] inflation, and then buying groceries for a bunch of shoppers. Imagine him visiting with Corey Comperatore’s fellow firefighters and other first responders when he returns to Butler, Pennsylvania. These encounters will be [heart warming] to the public, energizing for Trump, and a great way to debunk [Leftist] attacks on his personal character or supposed “extremism.”

God speed, Mr. President.