College Warns Professors to Report Student “Mocking of Our Pronoun Policy”

As a “women’s college that is gender diverse,” what began under the guise of sensitivity, tolerance, and inclusivity ended up in exactly the kind of totalitarian and authoritarian bureaucratic mess the Left used to rebel against and make fun of before it took power.

This from

The first rule of every authoritarian system is a warning not to mock the system. That’s the Left now.

Consider this Title IX letter from Mount Holyoke College.

MHC, a female college, insisted:

[The] regular and consistent practice of using intentional pronouns aligns with the College’s commitment to non-discrimination as a women’s college that is gender diverse.

Lest anyone mock the idea of a “women’s college that is gender diverse” or any other part of its pronoun policy:

[T]he letter warns that mocking

the policy is a violation of the policy.

On August 1, Title IX regulations expanded:

[T]o include misgendering, deadnaming, and mispronouning as prohibited acts and thus expanded the set of prohibited activites of concern to mandated reporters.

Then it provided a set of Stasi guidelines:

[F]or faculty observations of misgendering in their classrooms [ordering faculty to] report when misgendering occurs in ways [that include] when there is open mocking of our Pronoun Policy.

The faculty are ordered to:

Urgently report all mocking of the pronoun policy to the pronoun policymakers who will make sure the student will be unemployed for life… for social justice.

The one thing that cannot be tolerated in a gender-diverse women’s college are women mocking gender-diverse pronoun policies.

Perhaps MHC will have a ducking stool for them. Or just force them to share a room with a gender-diverse transgender man.

Some would say this violates the free speech of its female students, but MHC is committed to its “gender diverse community of students” and urges professors to turn in all students who have a sense of humor.

There’s gender diversity at the women’s

college, but no diversity of thought is allowed.

And a sense of humor:

[W]ill get you 3–5 years of gender diverse remedial women’s studies.

Final thoughts: What began as queers not wanting to be discriminated against has resulted in queers discriminating undeterred against the remainder of the population.