Trump Scores 377,000 Strong Endorsement from Fraternal Order of Police: ‘We Intend To Help Him Win’

Yes, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) officially endorsed President Trump AND the Defund-the-Police Liberals have slammed the FOP for endorsing “a criminal.”

The truth is often stranger than fiction.

Ya’ can’t make this s**t up.

This from

Over the past few years, the communist/globalist crime syndicate has shown they are the anti-police force of America. They have prioritized criminals over the men and women in blue who put their lives on the line every day to protect and to serve the rest of us.

In contrast, the President Trump has long shown the utmost respect for American police officers.

Now, the support and the honor the president has shown is being returned in a major way.

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), which has more than 377,000 members, has just announced they are officially endorsing President Trump over Comrade Kamala in this year’s presidential election.

Many would argue this is Trump’s biggest endorsement yet!

From Daily Wire:

FOP National President Patrick Yoes said that after the vote there was ‘no doubt—zero doubt—as to who they want as our President for the next four years: Donald J. Trump.’

‘During his first term, President Trump made it clear he supported law enforcement and border security,’ Yoes said. ‘In the summer of 2020, he stood with us when very few would. With his help, we defeated the defund-the-police movement and, finally, we are seeing crime rates decrease. If we want to maintain these lower crime rates, we must re-elect Donald Trump.’

‘An FOP committee met personally with former President Trump, but no similar meeting was granted by the Harris-Walz campaign,’ the FOP said in a statement. ‘This information was provided to the more than 377,000 members of the FOP so they could make their own decision in this election.’

Unsurprisingly, Comrade Kamala snubbed the FOP. Indeed, she has shown time and again she has little respect for American police officers. That’s why she couldn’t be bothered to meet with them in the hopes of scoring their endorsement.

Meanwhile, Trump is already celebrating this endorsement. He took to social media to say that he is “honored” to have the support of the FOP.

Enjoyably for Conservatism, liberals are already losing their minds over the FOP endorsing Trump. They’re using the fact Trump is a “convicted felon” to try to shame the FOP for daring to back him.

From The Blaze:

‘Here it is: Fraternal Order of Police just endorsed a criminal. History made,’ wrote Huffington Post reporter S.V. Dáte.

“’Yep. And the Fraternal Order of Police just endorsed someone who also sent people to attack the police on January 6th,’ agreed former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-FL).

Indeed, Trump was found guilty by a New York jury last year on 34 felony counts of business fraud. However, millions of Americans saw this trial as a complete sham that stemmed from a blatant witch hunt to take Trump down at all costs.

Liberals gleefully celebrated the verdict, but the reality is it did virtually nothing to change how conservatives everywhere thought about Trump. That’s why it’s likely the FOP will be unfazed by hateful liberal attempts to make them feel bad about endorsing a convicted felon.

The FOP is well aware the stakes of this presidential election could not be any higher. Trump may technically be a criminal, but he is still the law and order president when it comes to his policies.

Meanwhile, Comrade Kamala is the complete opposite. Cities all over the country that are run by woke liberals have seen crime skyrocket. Given how radically liberal Kamala is, voters can expect the same thing to happen on a national level if she manages to come to power.

In the end, the FOP made the right choice in endorsing Trump. They know  Trump will have their backs and he will do whatever it takes to keep the American people safe!