Trump Hurls Major Accusation At Kamala, Then She Claims She Owns a Gun

Despite the many surprising moments during Tuesday night’s presidential debate, one stands out above all the rest.

Does anyone really believe Comrade Kamala owns a gun? And what about Tiananmen Tim? Well, in America of the 2020s that claim is easy enough to check, unless, of course, the guns were illegally obtained.

What are the odds of that?

This from

Trump spent much of the debate trying to highlight the fact that Harris has been recently trying to distance herself from her radically liberal stances. Indeed, since becoming the communist/globalist backroom cabal presidential selectee, Comrade Kamala has been trying to portray herself as a moderate.

And she has done this despite openly holding far-left stances throughout the entirety of her political career. Trump wanted to remind voters of this with one attack in particular.

[Comrade Kamala’s] response left everyone stunned.

From Fox News:

‘She has a plan to defund the police. She has a plan to confiscate everybody’s gun. She planned to allow fracking in Pennsylvania or anywhere else,’ Trump said. ‘That’s what her plan is, until just recently.’


In response later, however, Harris shot back—and revealed she and Walz own guns.

‘I’ve made very clear my position on fracking and then this business about taking everyone’s guns away,’ Harris said. ‘Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff.’

Say what!?!

After how anti-gun Comrade Kamala and Dementia Joe have been since they assumed their current positions, We the People can assume no one saw this one coming.

The Comrade’s campaign later alleged she owns a handgun that she bought “years ago.” She reportedly keeps it locked away in an attempt to be a responsible gun owner.

Locked away? WTF good is it?

Walz also took to social media to back up Harris’ claim about each of them owning guns.

His claim:

We’re not going to take away your Second Amendment rights—we’re going to prevent your kids from getting shot at school.

Nevertheless, social media users were left shocked by the prospect that Kamala would actually own a gun. After all, during her failed presidential campaign in 2019, she was outspoken about calling for a mandatory gun buyback program.

Note the 2019 clip that was shared by the National Rifle Association (NRA):

We have to have a buyback program.

And I support a mandatory buyback program.

The NRA wants to ensure pro-Second Amendment American voters are not fooled by Harris’ claims about her gun ownership.

The NRA wrote on social media:

Kamala Harris is an existential

threat to the Second Amendment.

NOTE: Just four days before the debate, Harris was calling for an assault weapons ban.

On September 6, she said:

We must pass an assault weapons ban,

universal background checks, and red flag laws.

This is all very typical of Comrade Kamala. She has long shown she is a sleazy career politician who will do and say anything to get elected. She has flip-flopped on a laundry list of issues, frequently taking whatever stance is most advantageous to her at any given moment.

The reality is that while Kamala is trying to appear like a moderate now, she will undoubtedly return to enacting her own radically liberal agenda if she wins this election.

We the People must hope and pray Americans see through her lies concerning guns as well as every other issue. In the end, nothing Comrade Kamala says can ever be trusted.