People Are Being Raped and Killed by Illegals, Not Just Animals

Sure, this is a story about cats and dogs being killed and eaten, but it is also very much about people being violently assaulted and killed.

This from

There is a danger to going all in on social media memes from your own echo chamber. As much as a few folks had fun posting AI-generated art of Trump and cats and dogs being eaten in Springfield, OH the whole thing was borderline incomprehensible to the rest of the country and allowed the Left set the agenda of discussion about the debate.

Now there’s a ridiculous back and forth with the media over whether animals are being eaten by the tens of thousands of Haitians planted by the Obiden-Harris Regime in Springfield, OH.

Planted, by the way, to purposely disrupt the lives of the American citizenry in Springfield, OH. And there is a similar planting coming to a city near each of We the People.

The origins of this claim came from video of a black resident at a Springfield town commission meeting saying that Haitians were, “grabbing up ducks by their neck, cutting their head off…and eating them!”

And there were other accounts as well.

There are people claiming that Haitians have eaten house pets, more credibly there are police reports and other forms of evidence that ducks and geese are being seized and eaten. This is not surprising as there have been plenty of cases of foreigners doing this in American parks before. And not because they’re hungry. If you’re a third-worlder and there’s fat geese strolling around a park, why wouldn’t you take one home and cook it?

If there’s any further doubt here’s a TikTok by a Leftist social worker discussing what has been taking place. NOTE: She presents the problem rather well, but is angry at President Trump for bringing the world’s attention to Springfield, Ohio, and she disagrees in part with what he stated.

So, ducks and geese are being eaten, but there are doubts about cats and dogs being eaten.

Most of this is beside the point.

The real issue with the Biden-Harris Regime welcoming in millions of illegal invaders is the horrifying impact these invaders are having on Americans. The larger misery being described by the residents of Springfield is only part of that story. Americans have been robbed, raped, and killed by illegal invaders on a massive scale. Turning that into memes about cats and dogs trivializes the problem and has allowed the colluding mass propaganda media to divert the topic away from the true horrors taking place.

Sadly, the real issue here being clouded by the smoke and mirrors of pets being eaten is that Americans are being robbed, raped, and killed by illegals at an unprecedented rate. The Left has been enabled to—in large part—cover up this sad fact.

Instead of AI cats and dogs, the focus should have been on pictures of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray above, who was murdered by illegal aliens, and the many other victims of invader, migrant, and illegal alien crime.

That is what we still should be talking about.