Comrade Kamala Gets Reality Check—May Have Recited Memorized Responses Well but Gained No New Votes (Video)

Within minutes of the end of the presidential debate between Comrade Kamala and President Trump Tuesday night, the mass propaganda media declared Kamala the winner.

Disappointingly for Comrade Kamala, however, she has been hit with a major wakeup call—she convinced no one, changed no minds, and added zero votes to her name.

During the debate, Comrade Kamala endeared herself to Trump-hating liberals who were always going to vote for her. However, when it comes to the crucial block of independent voters, the debate appears to have been yet another failure for her.

Fox Business guest Lee Carter of the communications and consulting firm Maslansky + Partners elaborated on this.

From Daily Wire:

‘I had focus groups live that were saying she did a great job that night but she did not win any votes,’ Carter said.

‘Not one single person that I talked to that changed their mind based on that debate. And I found it fascinating because people said that she did a great job, they said that she was, you know, all of these things—and I was—then why aren’t you going to vote for her?’

‘And here’s what they said. The undecided voter—I had nine of them in the room—said, ‘I wanted to hear what she’s going to do differently than Joe Biden. I wanted to hear what’s different about the economy. I can’t afford groceries now, I used to be able to afford groceries. What’s she going to do to bring prices down?’

‘She didn’t answer that very simple question for them,’ Carter concluded. ‘And it doesn’t translate to votes.’

Check out Carter’s full comments on this in the video below.

Comrade Kamala spent much of the debate making faces whenever Trump spoke and attempting to bait him into having a meltdown.

What she did not do, however, is lay out clear policies. She simply did not give voters any indication of what she’d actually do as president.

Without a doubt, The Regime’s plan has backfired when it comes to independent and undecided voters.

The communists/globalists “who hate Trump with every fiber of their being” were going to vote for Comrade Kamala regardless of how she did in the debate.

While on the debate stage, [her] anti-Trump antics were essentially her preaching to her own liberal choir.

Independent voters who are still undecided, however, have no interest in anti-Trump nonsense. They have managed to avoid Trump derangement syndrome for years. Instead of seeing Harris disrespect Trump, they wanted to see her lay out specific policies that she would implement as president, yet she did not do that.

In the end, this debate changed few if any intentions. Anyone who thinks Comrade Kamala was the clear victor of the debate was going to vote for her anyway.