New Chart Shows Where Joe and Kamala Flew Haitian Illegals into the Country—No Surprises

A new chart by a user on X, which is based on data from Customs and Border patrol, shows were Joe and Kamala flew most of the Haitian illegals.

The answer to the question ‘Why?’ Is obvious.

Sadly, when living under a tyrannical regime, there are disincentives for voting against reinstatement of said regime.

This from

The illegal alien invasion is being unconstitutionally driven by the Left.

Check out the chart below:

Trump states, of course.

And this chart depicts only Haitian illegals. We the People must understand other charts will depict where The Regime is flying ALL illegals. Of course, the rationale behind the choice of destinations is so the communist/globalist crime syndicate will garner their forever votes just as quickly as the illegals are granted amnesty. Consequently, red states will be transformed into blue ones—all part of Obama’s promised fundamental transformation of America.

How ignorant can sycophantic liberal voters be? A vote for anyone who goes by the nomenclature of democrat is a vote for economic-ethnic-socio-cultural suicide.

Elon Musk put it this way:

Immediately upon the return of Conservatism to the helm of American leadership We the People must deport these illegals The Regime has allowed en masse and unvetted into our beloved country. This is why we need Trump.