Aysenur Ezgi Eygi: An American Citizen Killed During a Violent Confrontation Supporting Islamic Terrorists

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi—a Turkish moslem activist with a pro-terrorist group—had U.S. citizenship, but there was nothing ‘American’ about her support for Islamic terrorists.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi went to Israel to support Islamic terrorists, and was killed during a violent confrontation, and was then buried first by the PLO in its occupied territories in Israel, and then in Turkey with flags of the Islamic terror state flying everywhere at a state funeral with a quasi-military ceremony.

There was not a single American flag in sight and this was a good thing. Nothing about the funeral of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was American. And nothing about the Turkish moslem pro-terrorist activist was American except that, like many moslem colonists operating in America, she had American citizenship.

Is the handing out of American citizenship a sign of a dying nation or is it a sign of radical liberal leadership run amok? There are those who feel strongly that America must close her borders, limit entrance to very few and only on a temporary basis, and rid our land of illegal aliens, anchor babies and their families, and all who have over-stayed their student visas.

Liberalism and the colluding mass propaganda media repeatedly call Aysenur Ezgi Eygi a “Turkish-American” in an effort to gin up sympathy.

There was nothing ‘American’ about her life,

about her support for Islamic terrorists, or about her death.

The streets of New York, D.C., and many other American cities are overrun with moslem terrorist supporters who, like Eygi, hold American citizenship. Eygi did not die for America, she died for the Islamic terrorists murdering Americans. And that was her decision, her cause, and her destiny.

She was a patriot of Islam, not of America. Her life and death were lived to help the moslem terrorists killing non-moslems in the name of Islam and by the command of her religion’s Allah and its Koran text.

And that is how she should be remembered.

Final thoughts: Call me paranoid if you desire, however, I strongly feel the granting of extended-stay visas and citizenship must be stopped for at least a short period of time to allow our nation to get ahold of the apparent immigration problem.

Islam is at war with western civilization, this certainly includes The United States, and the sooner our leaders acknowledge this fact and begin to act accordingly the greater the chance for our survival as a nation and as a culture we will have.

Likewise, the CCP is a hostile actor on the world stage. With all this in mind, the granting of U.S. citizenship to moslems and Chinese must become extremely limited if not entirely stopped.