Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballot Ruling Could Majorly Impact the 2024 Election

We have learned in recent elections that Pennsylvania just might be the battleground of battleground states.

Given its 19 electoral votes, tight races, and chaotic vote-counting history, the state has become a flashpoint in every major election.

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And now, with Trump facing off against Comrade Kamala in 2024, Pennsylvania is once again in the spotlight. Each candidate needs this state like air, and as of today, a brand-new court decision could be the game changer they did not see coming.

The 2020 election was a circus of mail-in ballots, delayed counts, and legal battles, with Pennsylvania smack in the middle of it all. If there was a questionable ballot or disputed result, chances are, it happened in the Keystone State.

With polls showing a razor-thin margin in multiple swing states, the 2024 election could be just as chaotic. But this time, the courts are stepping in before the chaos even begins.

From Fox News:

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled Friday that mail-in ballots without the correct dates on envelopes cannot be counted in elections, a decision which could prove crucial in this year’s presidential election where 19 electoral college votes are up for grabs.

The ruling was welcomed by Republicans as a victory for voter integrity in the hotly contested state, while voting rights advocates including the American Civil Liberties Union said they will look at pursuing additional legal options.

In a decision that has Republicans cheering and the Left scrambling, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled:

[M]ail-in ballots without the correct dates on their envelopes won’t be counted in upcoming elections.

This ruling comes right as the 2024 election kicks into high gear and could very well decide who walks into the Oval Office next January.

So, what does this mean for the 2024 election? In simple terms: everything. Pennsylvania’s 19 electoral votes are a must-win for Comrade Kamala, who has been slipping in key swing states. But do not think Trump is not sweating over this state either. Each candidate knows that without Pennsylvania, the White House is just a distant dream.

The Left, of course, is predictably up in arms about this ruling. Their golden ticket in the last election was the mail-in ballot system, which helped push Biden over the finish line in states like Pennsylvania. Voting rights advocates, including the ACLU, are already looking for ways to challenge the decision, because heaven forbid we ask people to write the correct date on an envelope.

Let’s be honest—this decision is a win for anyone who values election integrity. For too long, Leftists have pushed this narrative that any common-sense rule meant to safeguard the election process is somehow an attack on voting rights. Meanwhile, Republicans have been banging the drum for tighter rules around mail-in ballots, and for good reason. When half the country questions whether votes were counted properly in the last election, maybe it’s time to tighten things up, don’t you think?

Of course, this is just the beginning. Leftists and their allies are already talking about “additional legal options,” which means more lawsuits and more chaos are likely on the horizon. Don’t be surprised if this ruling gets challenged all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. But for now, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has made its decision, and Republicans are ready to use this to their advantage in the 2024 race.