Time-Line of an Assassination Attempt and Rationale to Believe Trump’s Would-Be Assassins Are Deep State Assets

Law enforcement sources confirmed to Fox News the would-be assassin on Sunday September 15, 2024, has been identified.

This from thelibertydaily.com.

The suspect in the second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh.

Routh was allegedly armed with an assault rifle outside Trump International Golf Club while Trump was playing the fifth hole on Sunday afternoon.

Authorities said:

He was able to push the muzzle of his gun through the chainlink fence outside the golf club.

He was 300 to 500 yards away from Trump. Secret Service spotted Routh and opened fire.

Routh was able to get away but was later stopped by authorities and arrested.

He was found with two backpacks and a GoPro camera. The rifle was recovered from the bushes outside the golf course.


Update 1: CNN reporting it was an assassination attempt.

Update 2: All indications point to this being another assassination attempt. It’s still technically unconfirmed but multiple outlets referring to multiple sources indicate a man with an AK-47 and a GoPro camera took shots at President Trump while he was on the 5th hole.

One important question being asked is how the would-be assassin knew Trump was there. His golf schedule was not public.

Update 3: A press conference by all law enforcement agencies involved was held. Here is the video of the 11-minute explainer:

Update 4: The theory is Ryan Wesley Routh (and perhaps Thomas Michael Crooks, for that matter) is an asset for the Deep State. However, to prove this will be it would be “as impossible as proving anything the Deep State does.”

Routh’s attempted assassination of Trump—just like Crooks’ has been—will be downplayed by the vast majority on both sides of the political aisle as a crazy lone wolf. That narrative fits when we consider how crazy the dude appears to be.

But EVERY Deep State asset since Lee Harvey Oswald has fit the mold of being a lone wolf crazy dude. That’s their modus operandi.

The following from J.D. Rucker on thelibertydaily.com.

Update 5: Following are five reasons believes Routh is likely a Deep State asset.

First, like Crooks, Routh appears to have had contact with members of the intelligence community and possibly even members of the federal government.

According to Mindy Robinson:

In case you were wondering….

The guy who tried to assassinate Trump today…Ryan Routh made several posts suggesting that he was working with or for the DOD and the US Embassy in regards to Ukraine. 🤔

Because of course.

Jack Posobiec discussed his “overlap” with national security agencies…

Routh even appeared in Deep State Ukrainian propaganda:

Second, Routh was also a subject for multiple corporate media outlets. For those who do not know, the Deep State likes to test an asset’s ability to maintain their lies and/or programming by putting them on camera. Oftentimes they are tested as crisis actors before being deployed for bigger assignments.

According to Collin Rugg:

NEW: Suspected would-be Trump assas*in was previously interviewed by Newsweek Romania, started crying during the interview as he begged people to “come fight.”

Ryan Routh was arrested after an assas*ination attempt on Donald Trump.

In the video, Routh explained that he initially went to Ukraine to “fight” to support the Ukrainians.

Once he got to Kyiv, he said that he helped recruit people to get involved in the war.

‘We need everyone here fighting… that’s why I’m in Kyiv so every project that I promote is about getting people here to support the Ukrainians.’

‘When you talk to a 20-year-old guy that sold everything he owns to come here fight, that is heroism.’

‘You know he’s coming here to risk his life for humanity for the Ukrainians.’

The NY Times tested him as well…

As Sean Davis highlighted, it’s important that all of his media contacts are investigated…

Exiled Deep State whistleblower Edward Snowden noticed something about Routh:

We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter’s personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House’s agencies can claim zero contact—’clean hands.’ Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers.

All the usual breaking news caveats apply here. Nobody knows what the facts are yet, which is precisely why the public needs rapid, reliable, and non-evasive answers from the agencies you pay to provide them.

I’m not saying this guy was some pro on somebody’s payroll, obviously—in my opinion, the guy just looks deranged. But that doesn’t mean the government didn’t have a hand in encouraging his past militancy, as we once did with Bin Laden. We had a word for it at the CIA: blowback.

Third, the most important attribute of any Deep State asset on a high-value mission is the cover-up. Someone could be properly skilled and fully controlled by the Deep State, enough to make them perfect for a mission, but if there is even the slightest chance they could be traced back to the puppet masters then they will not be used.

The best we have been able to connect both Crooks and Routh to the Deep State is through degrees of separation. Therefore, there can be no direct connection made. A weak assassin with no direct connections is better for the Deep State than a skilled assassin with direct ties.

Fourth, for every social media post questioning the official narrative about Routh, there are ten more posts focusing on the hideous responses from known Deep Staters like Alexander Vindman and David Frum.

The attack failed. Questions are being asked. The Deep State knows the easiest way to point the conversation away from them is to get others to be bombastic and unhinged.

Conservative and alternative media are particularly targeted because We the People generally love highlighting how insane our political opponents are.

They even pulled in Vindman’s wife…

Frum and others in corporate media were sent in to blame Trump himself, which is a surefire way to draw conservative and alternative media to focus on the “assassination apologists” instead of the would-be assassin or the Deep State…

Deep State media puppet Lester Holt joined in…

Finally, of all of the theories surrounding the assassination attempt, this is by far the weakest but that does not mean it is not true. Within a couple of hours after a bombshell affidavit from an ABC News whistleblower drops that implicates the Harris campaign in debate cheating, the story was memory-holed by the assassination attempt.

The Harris campaign demanded fact-checks of Trump while negotiating for ABC News to not fact-check Harris. That alone is disqualifying for both the campaign to continue and for the network to participate in future debates, but it gets worse.

They also colluded on which questions were not allowed to be asked. And the network sent the Harris campaign “sample questions” to help her have her talking points memorized. They did not do this for the Trump campaign.

This is blockbuster news and nobody’s talking about it now. Nobody will be talking about it the rest of the week. No meaningful coverage will occur. This crucial information has been “disappeared faster than a Clinton witness with zero repercussions for the campaign or the network.”

Routh will be given the Insane-But-Justified-Lone-Wolf label by corporate media. The Left and the Right will debate blame. American citizens will reinforce their biases with very few changing their opinions about the election.

The moral of the story is that however desperate We the People believe the UniParty Swamp, the Deep State, and the Globalist Elite Cabal are in their quest to prevent a second Trump term, their desperation is far worse than what we can imagine. They see Trump as an existential threat who has a chance, albeit slight, of taking down their house of cards.

We must expect there is no boundary they will not cross.

President Trump MUST BE protected. The best thing we can do is pray our gratitude to God for protecting Trump today and our hope that He will continue to protect him going forward.

God speed, President Trump.