Comrade Kamala Senior Adviser Tweet Resurfaces Calling for Extermination of Trump and Supporters

The Left dangerously demonizes and vilifies President Trump and his supporters—We the People.

This from

We are labeled as threats to democracy, extremists, and even domestic terrorists.

From mainstream media outlets to social media platforms, the message has been clear: Trump supporters are dangerous, and they must be stopped at all costs.

This hateful rhetoric has poured gasoline on the fire, encouraging violence and division across the nation. And now, we’re seeing the consequences unfold in real-time—consequences that the Left wants to ignore.

High-level communists/globalists—people in positions of power—have openly called for harm against Trump and his Patriot supporters.

The [L]eft claims to be the party of ‘unity’ and ‘tolerance,’ but their actions speak volumes. They’ve gone out of their way to incite anger and hatred, fanning the flames of violence.

And when violence occurs—like the assassination attempts on President Trump—they are silent. No accountability. No responsibility. Zero remorse.

From Breitbart:

Kamala Harris senior adviser David Plouffe once called for the extermination of former President Donald Trump and ‘his kind,’ according to a 2016 post on X—another example of [communists/globalists] calling for harm against the former president that has been highlighted in the wake of another assassination attempt.

Plouffe, a former adviser to then-President Barack Obama, posted on June 13, 2016, ‘It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.’

Let that sink in for a moment. A senior adviser to the current vice pretendent openly calling for the destruction of a former president and anyone who supports him.

This is the kind of rhetoric that fuels violence. And it’s no coincidence, just days after this post resurfaced, another assassination attempt was made against Trump.

Where’s the outrage from the left? Where are the calls for unity? No doubt they are silent because this is most likely what they have wanted all along. They have spent years calling Trump a “threat” to democracy, labeling him an “insurrectionist,” and accusing him of being a dictator. They have painted his supporters as deplorable, unworthy of respect, and deserving of whatever violence may come their way.

And now, with two assassination attempts on Trump’s life in the span of a few months, the chickens are coming home to roost.

The hypocrisy is astounding. The Left has repeatedly blamed Trump for inciting violence, all while conveniently ignoring their own responsibility. When high-level figures like Plouffe call for the destruction of Trump and his supporters, it sends a message.

A message that violence is not only acceptable but necessary. And we’ve seen the results. Innocent lives have been lost, and our country is more divided than ever.

Final thoughts: This is not merely about President Trump and We the People, his patriotic supporters. This is a dangerous precedent that has been unleashed upon We the People of America.

Like a third-world Banana Republic, thievery and violence have become the tools of a government intent on attaining and retaining power. The people of America are embroiled in a battle between good and evil.

Let us pray the forces of good may not fire the first round in open conflict but that they fire the final round.